WorldwideSax - Sellers of Fine Vintage Saxophones
(Inventory is out of date. In your http address, you'll see "old" for these WWS archives. We wanted to keep this live for saxophone research.) For current inventory and services, please see:
For 2016 Work Schedule Scroll Down
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Work Schedule 2016 On-going '16 side project: Conn Chu Tenor-Super Gigger Custom WWS horn #211k gets Custom Rebuild with custom RED roo pads, maxed out Silver resotech resonators, Premium upgrades, keywork fabrication...etc In Progress/On Hold
1-5-16 Conn 10M Tenor: Worldwide Sax horn #349k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer, and neckstrap moved. Long Complete
~LIMITED AVAILABILITY~ 1-25-16 "The Martin Alto" Full Standard Rebuild Hurwitz Complete
2/5/16 - 2/17/16 Gold Restoration, Martin Typewriter alto: Customer horn returns from plating to get assembled and put together! I can't wait! Hurwitz In Progress
2-25-16 King Zephyr Alto: Worldwide Sax horn #322k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Chant Complete
3-16-16 Nickel plated CONN 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #249k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Griffin Complete
5-9-16 Buescher "Big B" Silver alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout, repair octave trigger too. Dickson Complete
6-15-16 Gold plated Conn "Artist" New Wonder II alto: Worldwide Sax horn #234k gets a Custom Rebuild with Chocolate Roo pads, and custom Resotech Gold, oversized resos with cork throughout. Donnelly Complete
6-26-16 KING SUPER 20 ALTO: Worldwide Sax horn #367k gets a Special Rebuild with Black Roo pads, premium upgrades, FOR CUSTOMER. Martin Complete
8-4-16 Original Lacquer CONN 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #279k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Leung Done
8-11-16 Conn C-Melody: Customer sax #97k. Customer sax gets a WWS Rebuild with Black Roo pads, and 60%+ flat metal resos, and new stainless springs. Mattina Complete
8-20-16 Silver Restoration - Aristo 1 Tenor: Customer sax assembly after 3years of progress. Sax gets a WWS Rebuild. Havenfield Complete
10/20/2016 Buescher TT BASS: WWS/Customer sax #145k. A WWS Inventory sax to be restored for customer. Setup TBD--customer Brass Resos. Pearson In Progress
11/1/16 SML Reynolds Contempora Tenor: WWS horn gets a Sarge Premium Rebuild with black roo pads, Silver Resotech resonators, Premium corks and felts for customer. Felix In Progress
11-25-16 Slot Open
12/10/2016 The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout, replace missing key, and "Acid Bath +" treatment. McCarthy
12-20-16 Slot Open
- 2017 -
1-5-17 Slot Open
1-20-17 Slot Open
2-5-17 Slot Open
DATE TBD Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k Crosby
If you wish to schedule a rebuild, or purchase one of the saxes (and it still needs to be rebuilt), send me a 50% deposit to hold your place in the work schedule. I work from a published schedule (see left margin) so that your sax will only be out of your possession a couple weeks, while i do the actual work, it does not have to just sit on the shop floor, until its turn comes up... you send it to arrive on schedule and we return it on schedule. E-mail chadd with questions about our vintage saxes at:
Sure Pay/ClearXchange: The newest Bank-to-Bank $ transfer option by mobile phones to send money to our Email address! No fees attached! Perhaps THE way of future banking and payments. Use: (Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase...)
If a horns says "just rebuilt", then it's ready to go, saxes that say "scheduled for a rebuild" are waiting for the work to be done, but it will be included in the posted price. If a sax says "ON TRIAL" someone is taking advantage of the "Three Day Trial" policy (See Info and Orders page).
Saxophone Comparison Chart Some of the best vintage saxes of all time (and SOUND FILES)
Here is a pic of some custom resonator work. The reso can be sized to your tonehole, or whatever you would like. I can get you virtually any resonator ordered. Sarge's favorite was the Resotech solid silver reso.
WE DO GOLD AND SILVER ELECTRO-PLATING That's right! We have a: GOLD STAR Pro plating system
It is our business to Rebuild your sax or sell ours as Fully Rebuilt Saxes. We never sell our stock "As-Is". We are Restorers.
If you wish to schedule a rebuild, or purchase one of our saxes and it still needs to be rebuilt, send us a 50% deposit and we will schedule its rebuild before any of our other inventory. Everybody loves these new Kangaroo skin pads, aka Saxgourmet Pads and you can get them from Curt, at you can request that any WWS stock be rebuilt with them, or just click this link and order some for yourself.
Check out our newest pages...
Hard to find: Here is a helpful outline of SML serial Numbers: S.M.L.
Serial Numbers: 0001
– 3000 / 1934 to 1940 3000
– 5500 / 1940 to 1945 5500
– 8000 / 1945 to 1950 8000
– 12000 / 1950 to 1955 12000
– 16000 / 1955 to 1960 16000
– 19000 / 1960 to 1965 22000
– 24000 / 1970 to 1975 24000
– 26000 / 1975 to 1980 26000 – 27000 / 1980 to 1982
SML Stencils: HINT: no one ever says that these models play "bad". (I have seen that many are connected to the Gold Medal era and into the King Marigaux era. Rev D era ones are very rare. WWS 'seen' examples are noted with their serial number.) Pitchard Artist (#19k GM) A.Cojan (#21k--UNIQUE: with F#!, unique for the early number!, with Rev D guards, GM engraving, Marigaux F#.) Reynolds Contempora (#19k GM) Jen Co Harmonica (#8k, Rev D) Alexandre (#10k Rev D) "The Woodwind Co." (#14k Rev D) Vedette (#20k, GM)
Here is a helpful outline of Keilwerth serial Numbers: Keilwerth Serial Numbers: 1925: 0-800 1933-5: 9000 1941: 18,500 1947: #20,000 1953: #23,000 1958: #28,000 1960: #38,000 1962: #43,000 1964: #49,000 1966: #55,000 1971: #69,000 1975-6?: #79,000 1977: #81,000 1986: #91,000 1993: #99,100 1996: #104,000 1998: #109,000 2004: #119,000 Keilwerth made The New King and Tone King as their main brand names, from 1932 to 1969 or so, but there were always stencils, like Edgeware and later Couf. Here are few of the other names you may find on Keilwerth made horns. The New King and Tone King saxes were identical except for a high F# key on the tone king model, but keilwerth marketed the Tone King as the "deluxe" Pro model and the New King as the "standard" Pro model Known Keilwerth Stencils: Couf Superba 1 & 2 Royalist Conn DJH Buffet Edgeware Marco Vincent Albert Martelle Winsall Tam Bundy Special (H&A Selmer) (La Sete - seen: baritone/soprano) Armstrong Heritage King Tempo Champion Calvert Deluxe Silvertone Hammerschmidt (sopranos) Jean Barre Artist (seen Alto) Princeton (seen Alto) American Master (seen Alto)
Keilwerth copiers, such as Amati, Dörfler & Jörka (1949 to 1968, then purchased by Keilwerth) and B&S H.Genet Roxy Jubilee Voss Silvertone Rene Dumont Keilwerth relatives: Max Keilwerth and Richard Keilwerth (Graslitz) made saxes under the names:
Weltklang (baritones only) Senator Hohner
Here is a handy chart for King ZEPHYR series: Zephyr
and Zephyr Special s/n
170xxx to 180xxx s/n 180xxx to 237xxx Zephyr Special: s/n 200xxx to 280xxx s/n 237xxx to 305xxx s/n 305xxx to 423xxx s/n 423xxx to 540xxx 1945 was the beginning of King's Super 20 (s/n 272xxx) Here is a handy chart for King SUPER 20 series: 1945-1949 "Series I": #272xxx to 295xxx Tranny "Series Ia": #295xxx to
305xxx #305xxx to
340xxx #340xxx to
380xxx #380xxx to 426xxx Factory
moves to Eastlake #426xxx to 540xxx 1975 "Series VI": <1975? era debate 1975+? #540xxx to 800xxx
Past Work Schedule 2010: 4-13-10 Gold Plated The Martin Soprano 64,xxx: Done 4-18-10 Silver The Martin Tenor 184K "USMC": Done 5-7-10 Buffet SDA Alto 18K: Done 5-14-10 Armstrong Low A Baritone: Done 5-25-10 Conn 10M: Done 5-28-10 Martin Committee 2 Alto: WWS Done 6-1-10 J. Keilwerth 1934 New King Alto: Nickle plated Done 6-11-10 The Martin Alto: Done 6-17-10 Silver Buescher Big B: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos for customer. Done 6-24-10 1948 Conn 6m Naked Lady: Done 7-2-10 Buescher 400 Tenor #505K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Prestini rivetless dome metal resos. WWS Done 7-8-10 1928 Silver Conn Chu Alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. DONE 7-20-10 King Super 20 Alto #415K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. WWS Done 7-28-10 Conn 6m: customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. Done 7-28-10 1945 The Martin Tenor: WWS horn 153K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Seamless Domed resos. WWS Done
8-5-10 Buescher Aristo "156" Tenor #338K: Done 8-12-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads, some Premium upgrades, minor fabrication work, and some plating restorations. Done 8-13-10 1972 Selmer Mark VI alto #208K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads and natural cork throughout. WWS Done 8-27-10 1940 Conn 26M alto: Customer horn gets a Premium Vintage Rebuild with White Roos & Seamless Flat resos. Done 9-7-10 1952 King Zephyr Alto: WWS horn 328K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild. WWS Done 9-23-10 Buescher Big B Tenor #322K: WWS horn gets a Standard Buescher Rebuild with Buescher snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Done 6-17-10 Silver Buescher Aristocrat #280k: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 10-15-10 1960s LeBlanc Rationale Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads. Sarge/WWS Done 10-22-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads for customer. Done 10-26-10 1940 Martin Comm 2 alto: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads, some Premium upgrades for customer. Done 11-4-10 Buescher Aristocrat Alto #345k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 11-4-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Tenor #317k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 11-18-10 Silver Conn Chu alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. Childs Done 12-2-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Alto: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 12-14-10 The Martin Tenor #208k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos and rivet center. WWS Done 12-17-10 Nickel Conn Chu Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage French Standard Rebuild with plastic resos. WWS Done
Please e-mail or phone us for additional descriptions or JPEG's of
any of our current inventory, or if you don't see something you would like to have, let us
know. We have a long list of customers you can
e-mail for references. (see References Page) ~~Chadd&Steve~~ Past Work 2011: 1-1-2011 H.Couf Superba 1 Tenor: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Pisoni rivetless dome metal resos. Thaut Done 1-4-11 1938 Buescher Aristocrat series 1 Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap-in Rebuild with natural cork throughout. WWSDone 1-19-11 1940s Buescher Aristocrat Alto: Customer's alto neck gets pull-down repair and dents removed. Garcia Done 1-19-11 Conn "tranny" Chu alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout and Sherry Huntly Engraving. WWS Done 1-28-11 Conn 6m alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout. Harford Done 2-5-11 King Super 20 alto - pearls: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with premuim extras. WWS Done 2-22-11 King Super 20 tenor - pearls: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Noyak resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Atkinson Done 2-23-11 Buescher 400 Tenor 429K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap In rebuild. WWS Done 3-10-11 Conn Gold C-Soprano 98K: WWS horn gets a rebuild for customer with silver Resotechs to be gold plated & Premium Upgrade. Gast Done 4-7-11 King Super 20 tenor --full pearls: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. Sarge Done 4-14-11 Conn Chu tranny tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Resotech resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads and a Premium Upgrade and New stainless steel springs. Mattina Done 4-21-11 Buffet S-1 Tenor: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. Sarge Done 5-10-11 Vintage YAS-62 purple label: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos. Tebo Done 5-13-11 Vintage Dolnet #24K: WWS horn gets a French Standard rebuild with Flat Metal resos. WWS Done 5-19-11 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Silver Restoration with a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and full Spring Replacement. Zax Done 6-3-11 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and swedging. Layer Done 6-20-11 Silver Buescher TrueTone IV Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard rebuild with Buescher Snap In Pads. Tarvin Done 7-1-11 King Saxello customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild. Zax Done 7-15-11 Silver Conn curved Soprano: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild after chemical Lacquer stripping, for customer. Luchtan Done 7-29-11 Silver Conn 26M alto: WWS horn gets Rebuilt and some much needed TLC. WWS Done 8/7/11--8/13/11 TIME OFF 8-15-11 1935 Conn 10M tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Oleru Done 8-16-11 The Martin Tenor 1953: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild. Neilo Done 8-29-11 King Zephyr alto: WWS (OS) horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. harrson/Keller Done 9-1-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-10-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-20-11 Martin Committee II alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild.Siboliban Done
10-1-11 Martin Committee I alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild + a new custom screw rod. Siboliban Done
10-18-11 Martin Committee III "The Martin alto": WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Zink Done
11-1-11 H&A Selmer Bundy Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer with domed metal resos for customer. Snowhill Done
11-13-11 Mark VI alto: Silver Restoration Returns from Andersons. Customer horn gets a with a French Standard rebuild with Metal dome resos and full Spring Replacement with Rose Gold Plating Accents. Zax Done
12-6-11 Buescher Big B Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout. Aaberg Done
12/22--31/11 TIME OFF
~ 2012 ~
1-3-11 Conn Gold Artist "Harp" alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Seward Done
1-17-12 Buescher Big B Tenor: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout. Williamson Done
2-1-12 SML Rev D Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout, + custom key fabrication. Heine Done
3-8-12 The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Gillette Done
3-16-12 Buffet Super Dynaction Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Croasdale Done
3-28-12 Conn baritone?: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Tarvin Canceled
3/29--4/16/12 TIME OFF
4-26-12 Martin Committee I Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-10-12 Buffet SDA Alto #18,7xx: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Black Roo pads with Noyak resonators for customer. Sheedy Done
5-31-12 Silver/nickel The Martin Alto: WWS horn gets vintage standard rebuild with new stainless steel springs, Rose-gold wash bell. Krause Done
6-21-12 Silver The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer plus custom thumb hook, post repairs. Evans Done
6-27-12 The Martin Tenor, Official Music Man Model: WWS horn gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with Saxgourmet Roo Pads. Tuncel Done
7-3-12 Selmer Super Balanced Action Tenor: gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with tan pads and domed metal resos50%+. Maxwell Done
7-13-12 The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Premium Rebuild with prestini pads and seamless flat resos, and custom work. Leisenbach Done
7-27-12 B&S Blue Label alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer and custom pearls installed. Incorvaia Done
8/2--8/5/12 TIME OFF
8-6-12 Buescher "The Aristocrat" alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher rebuild with original snap-on pads and natural cork throughout. Complete
8-10-12 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with stack swedging and screw replacements and minor fabrication. Suhling Done
8-22-12 Silver Conn Chu Alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer, with neck octave key work and swedging throughout. Hayes Done
9/1--9/12/2012 School Prep
9-13-12 Conn 6M viii alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout and case solving. O'Brien Done
9-28-12 Gold Plate SML Rev D Tenor: WWS horn gets The Sarge Special rebuild (Premium) for customer, with gold plated domed Resotech resonators on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Ester Done
10-12-12 Silver Selmer " Model 26" Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with neck repair and oversized flat resonators with rivet. Verver Done
10-31-12 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roos with original resos. Premium? Spring Replacement?. Johnson Done
11/3--11/14/12 TIME OFF
11-16-12 Conn Virtuoso Deluxe C-Melody 8M: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with White Roos for consignment sale. Emmons- Catalano Done
11-23-12 The Martin Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout. Machin Done
12-6-12 Conn 10M Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout. Ruud Done
12-17-12 Conn Artist Soprano in gold plate: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout and Saxgourmet Roo pads. Woodmancy Done
12/21--1/2/13 TIME OFF Christmas Break
The Work Schedule 2013: 1-7-13 Conn 10M, silver 1945 Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout. Smith Done
1-10-13 Buescher 400 alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. Done
1-18-13 SML Rev D Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with oversized flat resos, Natural cork throughout and acid bath. Pearson Done
1-29-13 The Martin Baritone: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild for customer with vintage standard resos and tan pads. Bogle/Ryba Done
2-21-13 King Zephyr Tenor #308k: WWS horn gets Vintage Rebuild with seamless flat resos and Black Roo Pads! WWS Done
3-1-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. WWS Done
3-13-13 1960s Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic resonators. Adams Done
3-25-13 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Baritone Low A: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators. Hanan Done
4/1--4/7/13 TIME OFF
4-29-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306,44x gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-2-13 King Silversonic Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators. Gifford Done
5-16-13 Martin Imperial Baritone: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators; and new blue steel springs. Johnson Done
6-1-13 The Martin Alto: WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
6-18-13 Conn New Wonder Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and flat metal resonators. Fisher Done
7-1-13 Silver Conn 6M VIII alto: WWS horn #314k gets new GOLD plate in bell and a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer. Balk Done
7-11-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic domed resonators. Backman Done
8-7-13 The Martin Tenor, Official Musicman Model: WWS horn #214k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Black Roo pads, seamless flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer. McKeirnan Done
8/19/13--8/30/13 Two weeks School Prep
9-1-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets new springs Backman Done
9-2-13 Conn C-Soprano: WWS horn #117k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done 10-3-13 Buescher Tipped Bell Bb Soprano: WWS horn #204k gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with snap in pads, and natural cork throughout for customer. Zax Done
10-15-13 Conn Gold C-Melody: WWS horn gets a prepared for customer. Lindberg Done
10-29-13 The Martin Alto: WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
11-1-13 Selmer Mark VII alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with plastic resos and natural cork throughout. Rachmiel Done
11-21-13 Selmer Mark VI Tenor 205k: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild on Saxgourmet Roo Pads with seamless domed metal resos at 60%+ and natural cork throughout, also some neck repair. Coile Done
12-10-13 Conn Curved Soprano: WWS horn #57k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer. Eberhard Done
12/22/13--1/1/13 TIME OFF - Xmas Break
Schedule 2014:
1-16-14 Buescher TrueTone Baritone: customer horn #224k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout, acid bath and clean up work. Cantrael Done
2-4-14 Buescher Tenor: Customer horn #13k gets TLC and Buescher Standard Setups for customer. Balk Done
2-24-14 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with Snap-in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Strassmaier Done
3-1-14 Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1 Tenor: WWS horn #278k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Gore Done
3-10-14 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Low-A Baritone: Consignment horn gets a Custom Rebuild with tan pads, resotech resos, natural cork throughout with some premium upgrades for customer. Vitale Done
3-24-14 Conn Chu Berry Alto: Customer horn gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout. Miranda Done
On-going '14 side projects: King Saxello WWS horn #76k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, and some Premium upgrades. Done
4-14-14 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn #183K gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout, spring replacements. Vogelgesang Done
5-9-14 1980s Vito Low-A Baritone: Customer horn gets a WWS Rebuild with tan pads, large metal resos, natural cork throughout. ASD Done
5-29-14 "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #158k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild, body metal cleaning, Tan pads and flat resos with natural cork throughout for a customer. McDonaldDone
6-5-14-Side schedule: Julius Keilwerth Tone King Tenor: previous WWS sax returns for cosmetic work and tune-ups. Silver spot plating and Goldwash bell. Balk DONE
6-10-14: "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #187k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, custom resotech resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Axton In Progress
6-25-14: Selmer New Largebore, gold plated Tenor: WWS/customer horn #13k gets Vintage Rebuild with original metal resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Maxwell Done
7-2-14 Buescher Big B alto: WWS horn #328,1xx gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Bertrand Done
7-12-14 Selmer Mark VI Alto: WWS horn #101K gets Vintage Selmer Rebuild with original plastic resos, custom Premium upgrades, natural & tech cork throughout for a customer. Lindberg Done
7-22-14 Selmer Super Action 80 series II alto: 2004 customer horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roo pads, tech cork, ultra suede etc... and silver Resotech resonators for a customer. Simonishvili Done
On-going '14 side projects: Conn Chu Tenor-Super Gigger Custom WWS horn #211k gets Custom Rebuild with custom RED roo pads, maxed out Silver resotech resonators, Premium upgrades, keywork fabrication...etc In Progress
Sept./ Oct./Nov. 2014 SHOP CLOSED: --MOVING!--CLICK
~~ 2015 ~~
4-1-15 Silver Bundy Special Baritone: custom help for a customer horn. shipping damages. (non rebuild) JOHNSON Complete
4-12-15 Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k Crosby
4-19-15 King Zephyr Special Alto: WWS horn gets Rebuild with upgrades for a customer. Keen Done
5-9-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn Dize Done
6-1-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn Nordmann Done
6-13-15 H. Genet Tenor: WWS Horn for Customer Meyers Done
6-19-15 Martin Committee 1 alto: Customer horn #116K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Hodgson Done
7-20-15 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn #147K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with reused resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Harned Done
7-29-15 Conn Chu Berry Tenor: Customer horn #236K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Parashes Done
8-22-15 Silver Restoration - Aristo 1 Tenor: Havenfield In Progress
8-15-15 King Super 20 Alto: WWS horn #427K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Rarden Complete
9-5-15 Conn Chu-tranny Tenor #166k: WWS horn #166K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50%+ resos, natural cork throughout for a customer--no silver polishing. Donnelly Complete
10-15-15 SML Rev. D tenor: WWS horn #9K gets Custom Rebuild with gold resotech resos, premium upgrades for a customer. Uchiya Complete
10-29-15 1919 Buescher Curved Soprano: WWS horn #61K gets a Vintage Rebuild with seamless,. metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. McInnis Complete
11-15-15 1956 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: WWS horn #65K Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. Nik Complete
12-5-15 Special Orders: Christmas prep...
12-12-15 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with natural cork throughout--Jan 2 pickup. Reynolds Complete
HOLIDAY BREAK Dec. 22, 2014 - Jan. 2, 2015
~ Past and Present ~ (Some of these were sold as his illness progressed. Some are for sale. Some will be for sale eventually. Some will migrate into Chadd's Collection and not be for sale.) By Popular Demand, here is a tribute to Sarge's personal horns. They were all gig horns, none were left sitting. He would rotate through one of these at every gig... so they get played at least every 20th gig or so. THESE ARE NOT WORLDWIDESAX STOCK.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Sarge never had ALL his mouthpieces photographed or in a description, but it is my goal to slowly add to this page for those Mouthpieces that still remain. Also under construction: "Chadd's (meager) Collection" And as stated earlier: (Some of these were sold as his illness progressed. Some are for sale. Some will be for sale eventually. Some will migrate into Chadd's Collection and not be for sale.
To hear more about Sarge's story, please see Sarge's Page.
Chadd comments: I really enjoyed playing this mouthpiece before it sold. It had so much power but still with depth and body. technically, i think the new (2000s?) Brilhart Level Airs are basically just like these. If you're on a budget, I highly endorse the new ones at around $130.00. You really can't beat them. But Sarge's one here was different in Font and, thus, the Tranny/prototype...aka..."cooler that the new ones". Martin Olds "Super" by Martin:
We have all seen a lot of speculation on these, but since i own nearly every
horn Martin ever made, it's easy for me to compare and yes, this horn was made
by Martin. They used the Committee II body and much of the keywork and
mechanics as well, but add the twist of flute style configuration on the actual
keys. They did use the two piece side keys and the same G# / Bb
cluster. It has one non-Martin feature that is unique, a silver
tone ring (like those on brass instruments) that reads Here's a before pic:
Interesting note, the original pads simply had a rivet in the center and were held in with one glob of shellac in the center, nothing at the edges. Eventually i will give her some TLC, like touching up the missing silver and gold and of course a nice rebuild.
well, she's all done. I'm very impressed with the beautiful tone of this sax. I put in Prestini's tan lambskin pads with medium density felt and medium size flat metal resonators, it's very similar to the martin committee II, with a deep, warm and centered output. it plays so easy throughout it's entire range. Here are the "after" pics: Chadd comments: I really enjoyed playing this one. From a collector's view, these are friggin' sweet! I can't remember if Sarge told me that he gold plated the crest on the front. I feel like he told me that once. Sound File (actual sax!): Buescher Top Hat & Cane vs. Conn Chu vs. Olds "Super" (by Martin)
Great Neck NY Ebolin 4 alto:
Chadd comments: He never kept many alto mouthpieces or saxes in his collection. Make note. It must have been a great one! 1959 "The Martin Tenor - Magna" Tenor:
1959 The Martin "Magna" Tenor: All original and in very nice condition. It's serial # is 208,xxx, one of the last made in 1959. The Magna's extra features are an adjustable octave mechanism screw to control the height of the octave key, an extra big and comfy LH thumb pearl, adjustable bow and bell key felts and extra rollers on the G# table. This one is pre-RMC, so it does not have the "Roundtable" crest on it. With an aggressive pad and reso setup in them, these can be the worlds best Rockin' tenors. The sound of the Magna is not much different than any other Committees, but they do have the advantage of a silver cross to ward off attack by Vampires! Great, rare Pro horns, big ol' fat sound, unlike any other... Chadd comments: Sarge coined the phrase: "they do have the advantage of a silver cross to ward off attack by Vampires!". So when you read it on the web, it started here. Just more credit to Sarge for his classic humor. This was a huge playing sax. Most Magna's get abused for some reason, perhaps the shift in player etiquette to care for their horns into the 1960s. So this was rare beauty! I recall this one selling on ebay for WAY too cheap for a rebuilt sax of this quality. Sarge was still jokingly mad about that price until his passing. haha. 1938 Martin "Searchlights" Tenor, Handcraft Committee:
Serial #126,1xx, which dates this horn at 1938, the neck has a matching serial number. It has about 85% original lacquer that has typical Martin browning and bare spots. No dents. Solid Nickel keys with an excellent art deco "City-Scape" engraving. Small bell makes for a nice centered, focused tone. Includes original case pictured. Just a note, these are one of martins richest and warmest tenors. I rebuilt her with Prestini "Hermes" tan sheepskin pads and rivetless metal domed resos, so i'd get the combination of tonal warmth and good projection. All Committees make great ballad horns, but are versatile and can jazz it up, or even rock out. Chadd comments: This one was sold to a customer if I recall. It wasn't around very long while I was here but I do remember that classic "Committee I" focus and power. It had the ability to blow if you wanted it to.
1939 Martin Committee II (original Rose Gold plated) Tenor: ~ Don't even ask if this is for sale. ~
I bought this one, for my personal collection recently, to replace what i had been playing, which is a similar one i just sent off to Anderson was a non buffed relac. That one is going to be for sale eventually (see the tenors page for details) as this one has replaced it in my personal collection. Now here is the story and it's a good one... I just bought this one, from the 2nd owner. it was obviously in top condition, but was advertised as in original silver plate and then later shot with clear lacquer over everything. I have seen that done and if it's done well, with a thin overcoat, it can be pretty great, so i paid a pretty good price for it and was happy to do so, as these are easily the most beautiful sounding tenor ever made... the ultimate Ballad horn. Soooo, i had it and had been playing it about a week and loved it... but i can't help being a compulsive restorer.. so on one of my days off, i chem-stripped the bell and neck of the overcoat... and Lo and Behold, it isn't silver at all... but Rose Gold Plate. Ultra rare on Martin saxes. Sooo, i had to know more about the original owner, because a horn like this would only have been made for someone the Martin Company considered very special. The second owner got back to me, with this story. He knew the original owner since he was a child... the man played in a band with his dad. 2nd owner always loved the 1st owners horn and asked frequently if he could ever buy it to play himself. Long story short, 1st owner passed on, left word with daughter that 2nd owner was to be offered the sax before anyone else. Turns out 1st owner was a musician and a "Rep" for Martin, his entire career, so Martin made this sax as a one of one a kind for him. Well, it's found a new home and a 3rd owner who really appreciates vintage treasures... so it's going to stay with me until i pass on. Here are some pics of this beauty, before and after the chem strip: Chadd comments: I was/am often asked the tough question: "Which sax from Sarge's Collection would you have to keep?" And quite seriously, it was always a tough one to answer. For Rarity: THIS ONE! O.M.G.! You will never find another one like this. And as Sarge's description said, he kept it in the collection until he died. Consider my future description to be the same. It will never make a gig appearance.
1941 Martin Centennial Model:
Martin Centennial Model: Serial #142843 indicates a 1941 make. This is the very rare in-between step, from the committee II, to The Martin Tenor (committee) model, made only in 1941. You can see the transition in the keyguards and keywork. it's half of each. Original Lacquer is excellent . I will be rebuilding it with Saxgourmet pads and Resotech flat, Solid silver, resonators. Chadd comments: I know this one got special attention. Steve enjoyed it and Martins in general. I know he put tuning corks as needed inside the tone holes. (a squirrely upper register for tuning). But a very unique sound! Gotta love the limited edition keywork too. By a
lucky coincidence, i got this Martin Centennial mouthpiece, with a The Martin
Tenor i bought last year, now i have the perfect sax to put it with. these
are real big, real warm sounding pieces and it really brings out the lush sound
Martins produce. 1963 The Martin Tenor, "The Official Music Man Model": This is my The Martin "Committee" Tenor, one of the finest most powerful sounding tenors ever made. 1963 The Martin Tenor, Official Music Man Model: I was lucky enough to get this one with the original rivet pads still in it, in completely unaltered condition. It' serial # is 218,xxx, one of the very first made in 1963. I gave up my 158k all original tenor for this one, so i guess that answers all the questions as to whether the newer ones play/sound as nice as the forties models. This one does have the RMC Roundtable crest on it. Such top notch craftsmanship and quality parts went into this '63 model, that if you look closely at the pearls, you can see clouds, the sky and rainbows in them. With an aggressive pad and reso setup in them, these can be the worlds best Rockin' tenors. You can listen to me (sarge) playing this Martin Tenor, from (my band) the Phantoms Blues Band's latest C.D, by clicking here
Chadd comments: This horn was immaculate! what a beauty. It played amazing too! This was the essence of craftsmanship. I really wish I had enough money to just keep this one.
Sound File (actual sax 5-2016): "The
Martin Tenor" x4: 1948
TMT #164k(orig lac, black roos, flat nickel resos), 1949 TMT #166k(relac,
tan pads, brass resos), 1960 Magna #210k(relac, tan pads, flat nickel resos),
1963 Official Music Man #218k(black roos, silver resotech resos) 1946 The Martin Tenor (Committee III): Before 1946 The Martin Tenor Committee: Serial # 160xxx. Fabulous serial number and the neck and body are in excellent shape. Over 90% Original Satin Silver, with bright highlights. I just cant get enough of these The Martin Tenors... this silver one has another shade of the powerful big and fat martin tone that is fabulous. I had Justin rebuild this one for me with a Premium Rebuild, using Saxgourmet pads and Pisoni seamless metal domed reso's. Original Silver ones are rare and they command a premium price. I'll be playing this one regularly, onstage, using my brass Bobby Dukoff mouthpiece Chadd comments: Sexy. I love my martin. I have a feeling that I'll end up with one in silver too! 1947 The Martin Tenor Sax: Nice early "The Martin Tenor". Serial number 164,xxx, numbers match on the neck and body. 98%+ Original lacquer. The body is in overall great shape, mechanically and cosmetically and the Original lacquer is beautiful, which is an exception to the rule for martin lacquer. Chadd comments: I recall this one being around when I first started with Sarge. This must have been the later replacement of his 158k TMT he had to sell to get his MusicMan Model. Sarge loved Martins. It's no wonder I ended up with a beautiful 1948 TMT. Mine has a beautiful bell too!. ;) And full credit to Sarge for helping me find and buy the one that is still in my collection today. (I'm not sure what happened the photo here, sad day.) I was so happy to find these photos! I just found these and the sax, once again, shows why it was in The Collection. Wow. Just Wow. Here are a few of my French made horns: SML (Strasser-Marigaux-Lemaire) "Revision D" tenor:
This is the Rev D model made just before the Gold Medal models Serial number is 9,42x, made in appx. 1952. Famous for a big warm, sonorous tone... and it has almost all of the adjustment screws, etc. that the gold medal model has. The original silver finish was very worn. I did some dent removal and some resoldering of bracing and even added a small inside bow brace to make everything better than new... It just received a unique and beautiful engraving job, that included both re-engraving and additional elaborate, custom engravings, by Jason DuMars of International Saxophone Home Page. Then i sent it to Anderson Plating for all new silver plate. I installed custom, oversized Resotech slightly domed, solid silver reso's, on the Saxgourmet black Kangaroo pads. I got the pearls installed and then I installed stainless steel springs and re-assembled her... sure is pretty. Before you can listen to me play this SML, on the Phantoms Blues Band's latest C.D, by clicking here On Stage, i always play a silver plated brass, Dukoff D-9, that is a prototype of the Super Power Chamber model. That design, in brass, is the biggest fullest sound i have ever heard. i use a Guardala Super King as my back up, but it mostly collects dust... and it just can't produce the sound the Dukoff can. On the other hand, when i 'm fooling around on my days off, i like to pick up one of my Fav horns and play it with a mouthpiece that i think brings out what makes that horn special... so i have a mouthpiece, that i like to leave on a given horn, that gets it's special sound done. I'm working on putting a description of the mouthpiece below the horn. Chadd comments: I will never forget playing this sax. the resonance in the shop still haunts me. The smokiness we want. The power we have available like a Turbo boost on a car. But, then again, I love SML's! SOUND FILE (actual sax!): Mark VI_vs_SML-RevD_'41Zephyr
1959 Selmer Mark VI Tenor Sax: I bought this mk vi
to restore and resell, but fell in love with it, so it lives with me now...
Selmer Mark VI Tenor Sax:
Serial #
made in 1959,
i guess i
don't need to add to the Legend about the 5
digit MK VI's,
suffice it to say they are considered the best in the world and often command
prices in excess of 12,000.00. Made
in France,
the body and neck
are in very good shape, but was butt-ugly, so i chemically relacquered it (no
buffing at all), it looked beautiful after Sherry Huntley re-engraved
the original engravings (so that a coat of silver plate would not make the bare
brass original engravings washed out looking), and Anderson Silver Plating applied
a thick coat of pure Silver plate. The neck has no serial number and a lot of early mk
vi's had none, but i'm convinced by size , shape and match to the sax's finish when
i got it, that it is original. Sound File (actual sax compared): A WWS Silver Resto. Selmer Mark VI 5-digit #83K (Brecker era) vs Selmer Mark VI #155K Original Lac (mid-run era) MOUTHPIECES: Guardala DG brecker vs Tonalin
I usually put my "Florida" era Otto Link STM on the MK VI. let's face it, that combination can put you in the mood to play some pretty heavy jazz. Chadd comments: I was very spoiled to play this one...several times. At first I couldn't hear the myth of the 5-digits. I think I had sticker shock--blocked my ears.. ...Rookie problems. Steve said he took it to a few gigs, LOVED IT!, but almost always had a heart attack with the crazy, swinging guitar players. #$*&^$# It spent a lot of its life like a vampire, sleeping in its case.
got this 40's H. Selmer mouthpiece to try on my Selmers "Euro" Selmer MI VI Tenor:
I teamed it up with a otto link tone edge, HR mpc today, good combo! Chadd comments: This one may have had silver/nickel keys. I just had a memory flashback that Sarge might have gold played the keywork. 1960's LEBLANC System, a.k.a. Rationale Tenor Sax: This is an amazing and rare pro horn with the unique Leblanc mechanism, where the G# tone hole is at the rear and all the front pads remain open - the fingerings possible on a Leblanc are far more versatile than a conventional sax allowing for easier transitions in what are usually difficult passages - as well as multiple false fingerings and a greater range of altissimo fingerings. The Leblanc has a strong individual voice and speaks extremely well, one of the great advantages of the system is that normally stuffy notes like middle D and E speak with a clear open voice - the uniformity throughout the range is simply unachievable in any other horn. This one has at least 95% original lacquer and is in top notch condition. I haven't had to do too much to it, except a minor tune up. It even has the original green print case in great shape! Serial #513. At WWS website. That's a classic Goldbeck and Co mouthpiece on her, that i opened up myself and made a custom ligature for. These have a very, very vintage sound, that's fun to play around with. Sound
File (actual sax!): TENORs
Feat: "LEBLANC": King
Super 20-pearls, SML Rev. D, Leblanc System - Rationale Chadd comments: wacky, cool, weird, unique...If a person made this THEIR sax, I think they might be unstoppable. I need to make a SOUND FILE. 1959 Buffet Crampon, Super Dynaction Tenor: Chadd comments: Smoother than I expected in tone. Intonation that is excellent. German Makers I searched quite a while to find an intact Tone King and a Black Gold Couf Superba One... Here are my Keilwerths: 1959 Keilwerth ToneKing Tenor:
Chadd comments: I'm scared to touch these ones with the plastic guard. But I like the look! It's like watching a machine in action!
1926 Julius Keilwerth Alto: Here is the first of my
three Julius
1935 Julius Keilwerth "The New King" Alto: By my own chart, i figure this serial # 9026 to be a 1934-5 model. It very unique and cleverly designed, somewhat like a Conn 6m, but with ergonomic improvements. The side keys are similar to a martin committee design, with the two piece mechanism, but the touch pads are oval and angled to hit your index finger's side perfectly. The G# table is like a 6m, but the G# key is a pearl that has had a "fingernail file" cut into it. German horns are dark and complex sounding.
1961 Julius Keilwerth "Tone King" Alto:
Before Picture:
Finally, i get many, many questions on how to I.D. a Keilwerth... this is for sure, if it has "made in Germany" and the JK logo, as seen at the left, it definitely is a JK.
1968 Keilwerth ToneKing Tenor: Oops, i decided to keep another Tone King, you can see the changeover to Couf style keyguards and more on this one:
Yep, i have an original hard rubber, Wagner made, Tone King mouthpiece for this one. They are a really fat sounding piece and this horn gets a superb "vintage sax" sound with that one. Chadd comments: This horn has such a rich tone that you play it and stop to check your pulse. :) It was a sexy look with the white pads too.
1979 H. Couf "Blackie" Superba I tenor: This is my 1979 Couf Superba One, i nicknamed "Blackie". She has most of her original Black Nickel finish and amazingly, she has original Gold Plated keywork. i really enjoy the deep rich sound the Couf produce and this one will most likely be with me for a long, long time. Serial #79875. I restored her mechanically and did my very best Premium repad with black Kangaroo skin pads and oversized Resotech resonators. I have a Couf Artist J7*S that works very well to give it the sound Herb envisioned, but i also like a German made, silver plated brass Wagner #7 for a fatter, more rockin' sound. Chadd comments: well, I've only seen two of these over the years, this being one of them. It was sarge's long time baby. Now it's mine. I tell you what! She can keep up with the guitar amps! Sarge sized the resos 1mm shy of the tone holes! This is THE BIGGEST sound I have likely played--or at least Top 3. NECK: The photos show it with a second neck sarge had. I have the original BLACK one with it.
1965 Couf Superba I tenor: S# 54,xxx, nice really early Superba 1, these are noted for a very big, warm sound, that is full of harmonics and body. This is the oldest Couf i have acquired, to date, i really like the older ones, they are tone machines. Made about 1965, the early models are ultra rare, especially in nice condition... and finish is very good, perhaps 90%, with the usual wear and scratching. Body is very straight, no dings or dents. Chadd comments: Dark and bold. This was a sexy sax.
1984 Julius Keilwerth Toneking "Exclusive" Tenor:
you can put almost any mouthpiece on this sax... i enjoy using an old Guardala piece i have, on it, but on stage, i always use my brass Dukoff - 9. I own and play a Black Gold Keilwerth SX 90 tenor too, but i think there are enough pics and descriptions of those out there... suffice to say it's another really great playing horn.
Dave Guardala DG500
This professional level Bb Tenor saxophone is fabricated and hand made from 72% formulated Copper alloy yellow brass with full rib post construction and hand hammered bell. All rods are solid nickel silver with stainless steel screws, springs are tempered blue steel and authentic Mother of Pearl key buttons are used throughout. Custom hand made French pads, by Chanu, with metal resonators come standard along with hand engraving on the bell, high F#, plus extensive fine tuning key adjustment screws at all critical points. This horn has triple silver plating finish with meticulous fancy hand engraving on the bell. Upper and lower key stacks are ergonomically designed for smooth, accurate and positive digital feel. The serial number is below 4000. This sax was manufactured before Guardala's association with LA Sax started, and compromises in the quality of the product began appearing.Here are pics of my "new" DG-500SP Chadd comments: This was Sarge's travel sax a few times to California. It was a screaming hit as he jammed with some old music buddies back home. He set it up to scream with Black pads and metal resos. I also have a Black Guardala, with silver plated keys. These are really extremely well made, great playing horns: and finally this beautiful rose gold lacquered model from the 1st year of production: Chadd comments: This one still plays so nice in the original factory setup that it's one of my 'Go To' tenors on the wall. Stuffy is the wrong word, but there is a rev-limiter on the power/treble. It still has a booming warmth and I very much agree with Sarge's description--a cross between a Selmer VI and a Conn Chu. Usually we just call that a JK and the lineage here makes more sense with that. I still say a bit more Selmer-like focus than JK depth. Fantastic ergos, and the use of modern needs in engineering stuff that I notice!
Dave Guardala "DG", Brecker Tenor:
Chadd comments: I loved this mouthpiece. everyone who every played it, has loved it. I can see why it is so fabled and pricey. Best of luck to me as I try to acquire one in the future as they continue to inflate above $1500.00. and now a few more American Classics... H.N.White "King"
1952 King Super 20 Tenor: Nice original lacquer super 20, with the Serial number 325,692. These have a lot of nice features, like pearls on all the keys and Sterling Silver, sleeve style neck, but what i really love is the rich, big tone. Super 20's are more or less divided up into 3 categories, early, middle and late production, this one falls in the middle and has a great balance of sound. The King horns sure get my vote and i gig with them often. This one was rebuilt with thick brass resonators, oversized, I believe originally from a TM setup.
File (actual sax!): TENORs
Feat: "LEBLANC": King
Super 20-pearls, SML Rev. D, Leblanc System - Rationale Sound File (actual sax!): Tenors file x5: Selmer SBA, Conn 10M, Buescher TH&C, King Super20FP, "The Martin Tenor"
Chadd comments: This was Sarge's choice tenor for his last few gigs. He had a love affair with the Super 20 that in simply viewed by the public as "acceptable". We all wish we could be cheating on our daily player with a prime era, tear-drop G#, beauty like this one. The resonators are a huge booster! I have SOUND FILES to link here soon. To Do list...
1945 King Super 20 Tenor:
Nice original lacquer super 20, with the Serial number 278,730. These have a lot of nice features, like pearls on all the keys and Sterling Silver, sleeve style neck, but what i really love is the rich, big tone. Super 20's are more or less divided up into 3 categories, early, middle and late production, this one falls in the early and has a great balance of sound but darker and smokier than my middle era one. The King horns sure get my vote and i gig with them often. It has the pearl G# in the crescent shape just like early Zephyrs. It was fully rebuilt with tan prestini pads, and seamless flat metal resonators (nickel plated) for very light action. (photos with a King Equa-Tru Special mouthpiece)
Sound File
(actual sax): Tenors file: King
Super20 F.P. vs King Silversonic vs Couf Superba1 "Blackie"
1960 King Super 20 "SilverSonic" Tenor: Serial #385,xxx, Mfg in 1960, when King was owned by the H.N. White Company. Features a Sterling Silver Bell, and Neck, Hard-Nickel Silver Rods, Individually Hand-Soldered Tone Holes. Here's what the HN White people had to say: "The list of H. N. White super 20 players is impressive including: Mr. Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, Mr. Georgie Auld, Mr. Sam Donahue, Mr. Charlie Ventura, and the great Charlie Parker Jr. Without a doubt what makes H. N. White instruments unique is their use of Sterling Silver Bells. Some time between 1925 and 1928, The H. N. White Company introduced the "Silver Tone" Sterling Bells option to Liberty Trumpets, Master Cornets, Clarinets, and the entire Trombone line of instruments. As stated in the 1928 complete catalog, "Sterling Silver Bell produces better tone, being clearer, richer, and more resonant, with a more pleasing quality." The engravings on "Silver Tone" instruments are some of the most elaborate and attractive works of art ever produced by an American manufacturer. A short time after World War Two (1949-1951), "Silversonic" replaced "Silver Tone" and the engraving was not as elaborate (except on Artist level), but the quality of tone remained the same. In addition, Saxophones were give the option of having a Sterling Silver Bell with the introduction of the World Famous "Super 20" and later "Silversonic Super 20", which were some of the most sought after production saxophones ever made." Many Rock players from this era played on the Silversonics... notably, Jim Horn, famous for recording with the Beatles and Stones. Mine is a 385K serial number and she's a Rocking Tenor, that's for sure. I plan a fresh rebuild with my personal favorite rebuild, a Premium Rebuild, with Black Kangaroo "Saxgourmet" pads (designed by my friend Steve Goodson) and special order Resotech solid silver flat reso's. Rebuild Complete: Currently setup with Black Saxgourmet Roo Pads and oversized Silver Resotech resonators and a Sarge's Premium Rebuild. Chadd comments: There is a very big difference in the early 380-400ks Silversonics! because of this sax, I fully know it! In the last 5 years, I have only seen two other saxes that came up for sale that were of the same vintage and prettier than this one.
1937 King Zephyr Special Tenor: Nice original lacquer early Zephyr Special, with the Serial number 209,xxx. These have a lot of nice features, like pearls on all the keys, the triple strap hook and Sterling Silver, sleeve style neck, but what i really love is the immense, fat and warm tone. I enjoy seeing the beautiful art deco engravings, even the bell and bow keys are engraved on this one... and the art deco styling of the overall design is awesome, but that aside, these are one of the warmest saxes out there. I have two completely different Zephyr Special mouthpieces i like to play with this one and the older designs really help improve the intonation.
Chadd comments: Absolutely stunning!
1924 King Saxello Bb Soprano
(unofficial listing, might be more Teasing)
Sound File: Sopranos-Martin, vs. SML, vs. King Saxello
Chadd comments: ser # 72,979. This is one of the last saxes Sarge worked on for himself. He took it to a limited number of family gathering too. :) comes in original hard case WITH the ultra rare "Y" stand for setting the sax down (still not recommended to use in fear of damage). The screw to hold the "Y", like a special lyre screw, never came with the sax but I might be able to fabricate/find a replacement. Comes in original case (no handle, but the metal rings are intact). It got a Vintage Standard Rebuild with seamless flat metal resos($45).
I also have a vintage King stubby mpc with a Bob Carpenter reface too nearby. ;)
Here is one of almost everybody's favorites, my Buescher 400, Top Hat and Cane, Tenor: Buescher 400, Top Hat and Cane, Tenor: Serial number 325,180 makes it a 1948 or so. The top hat is a lovely horn to look at, or play. It has a warmer sound and does a beautiful job with ballads, but is flexible enough to do jazz with the right mouthpiece. i've had this one quite a while... it's real nice, but it's not mint, so i don't mind taking to some of the blues clubs we play. there were a few chair dents in the bow and when i smoothed them, they stayed a little ripple-y... but i don't mind at all. The engravings are just a joy to look at, i often find myself mesmerized by them. I rebuilt it with a premium rebuild, to improve the feel, with teflon and ultrasuede... my pad selection for this one was Saxgourmet pads and I kept the stock snap-in metal resonators intact, throughout. Really not for sale. I like to play it with this mouthpiece below, the two make a super rich/fat combination of tones: Chadd comments: properly rebuilt with a custom Black pad rebuild with original snaps and pads glued in. A HUGE TONE!
Chadd comments: I was lucky enough to play this one before it sold! HUGE TONE! Sound File: 9-2010: Here's the Tenors mouthpiece file: Otto Link Tone Edge 9 vs. Steve Broadus NY "perfected" vs. Berg Larsen 110-2-M
Buescher "Early" Aristocrat (Transitional) Tenor:
I have tried it with several mouthpiece and it has a number of amazing tones, but most impressive was with my Otto Link "slant signature" hard rubber piece. The amount of volume/output with this sax is about double what you'd expect for a late thirties horn... very close to a "The Martin Tenor" in power, but then i put a Link Master on it and it went totally airy and smooth with a centered warm tone. really versatile. Here are some after pics
C.G. CONN My Conn 30M Connqueror is a smooth jazz machine, with balls, the 10m hits somewhere in-between and is a fantastic player: 1936 Conn 30M "Connqueror": Serial # 275,xxx, one of the better Jazz horns ever made. Sterling Silver inlay on keytouches. This one is not very "original"... as you can see i had Jason Du Mars engrave the body and neck, in a jazzy Art Deco mode, to enhance the original 30M "Lady" pattern. It has a custom finish, with a coppery colored 40's nitro cellulose lacquer... and Jason's engravings really make a beautiful contrast. I also had the neck silver and then gold plated. After all that fooling around and a complete "Premium Rebuild" with Saxgourmet pads and oversized solid silver Resotech Resonators, how does it sound, you wonder? This one has a much fuller, bigger sound than any 5 digit MK VI, it's not as mechanically friendly, but more than makes up for it in sound... it's a big distinctive American sound and no other tenor quite compares to these... you would be very lucky indeed to even find one nowdays. I like my Bobby Dukoff Allstar Model "Hollywood" BD, on the 30m... it just adds to the warmth of the 30m and lets you make the airy subtones even easier. Chadd comments: I had the privilege to play this for a bit in my early year with Steve. Little did I know how awesome these really are! I was a rookie then. The next 30M to pass into my hands, I almost had to keep too! But Sarge's gold neck would have warmed up the already booming Conn tone. We made a video of Sarge playing this before he sold it. I wonder if I still have it around. (to be continued)
Bobby Dukoff "Hollywood BD" Tenor: Brass material, Serial # 066, probably late 40's. Beautiful warm tone...original marking is a "4", refaced by Bob Carpenter to play awesome with a tip at 0.090". It has a runyon biteplate protector. These are true Large Chamber tenor mouthpieces and play top to bottom with a beautiful lush sound. They are very rare and very vintage and you can see many list on ebay $800-900. Sound File: Dukoff BD vs Otto Link 4**** vs Otto Link FL (Coltrane!) Chadd comments: Considering the players who played on such a mouthpiece, it felt right to put this in the Conn section. 1925 Conn New Wonder Nickel "Chu" Baritone: Chadd comments: Another late addition so Sarge's Collection in his final years. Does this really need a description? Needless to say, I plan on adopting her in time. serial #M154,36x. I have done several shows with this bari. The intonation is a bit wild up high on my small chamber mouthpiece but the resonance I can put out in the lower octave is like a purring buffalo. Yes, that's what I said.
1942 Conn 10M Tenor: Prime era 10m in original lacquer, S# 306,843. the thing is 30-m's and 10-m's are so different , i felt like i need to have both... the 30m is more of a jazz horn and the 10m works better for my rockin' R&B stuff. It has never seen any notable body damage, although some minor dents may have been rolled out before i got her. Rolled tone holes, Naked Lady engraving. The neck is slightly pulled down, i corrected that and eventually i will do a Conn Style Premium Rebuild, with Saxgourmet Kangaroo pads and flat metal resonators. The premium upgrade, with Teflon and Ultrasuede, will really do a lot to smooth out the action on her. Chadd comments: This one is a real screamer. Setup with oversized flat metal resonators, and the Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Just the real deal here, everything you'd expect from the fable of 10M's. Sound File (actual sax!): Tenors file x5: Selmer SBA, Conn 10M, Buescher TH&C, King Super20FP, "The Martin Tenor"
Sound File(Actual sax!): Selmer
(SBA) "Super Balanced Action", Couf "Superba 1", SML
"Rev. D", Conn 10M Sound File: '42 Conn 10M, '41 Conn 30M, '48 Buescher 400 Top Hat
Cane, '51 SML Revision D, '60 Martin Magna Sound File: TENORx2-MPCx3: Buffet S1, Conn 10M MPCS: Wein 0.101",
0.129", RunyonSpoiler 0.099" (7:43min)
Dukoff "Fluted Chamber 6*" Tenor: Another great Dukoff, very rare and unique. It plays very nice overall and was refaced by "Marin Spivic" to an easy blowing tip measuring 0.096", Tip and rails look great. It has the medium round chamber with the fluted walls. Sound
File: Guardala
brecker, Berg metal 110-3-M, Berg HR 110-1-M, Ponzol, Dukoff Fluted, King T "RAC"
Conn 10M, "Naked Lady" 1945 Original Silver Plate: serial number 311xxx, all original and never damaged. This one does have the rolled tone holes and everything you'd expect from a '40's Conn... including a really big sound. The silver plate is original but worn in spots. I decided i would add a bigger LH thumb rest, that i got off an old Conn Bari and a Selmer RH thumb hook, i do plan to play this one a lot, after all... I re-silvered the worn areas and put a new gold wash inside the bell, then totally rebuild it, original Conn style, with medium sized flat metal reso's, with a rivet center. I made it a Premium Rebuild, so the action would be silky smooth and i put in all new stainless steel springs. It's big, lush and warm, with a hard rubber mpce, and can really wail, with my brass dukoff.... Chadd comments: Seriously, Sarge?! This was a sax that was setup to play with adding comfort to the Conn 10M sound AND it was a head-turner. I really loved the two thumb improvements done to this one. I was alert enough to notice that Sarge silver plated a few worn areas. But that's no biggie to the untrained eye. Nice try, sarge. ;) A Fantastic sax.
Conn Wonder Virtuoso Deluxe with Gold & Silver I just added the beautiful Silver and Gold Plated, hand burnished, heavily engraved Conn Virtuoso Deluxe model that is featured at my Supreme Sax Artistry page, to my private collection. These are some of the rarest and finest altos ever built, bar none. see more pics at: SOLD Chadd comments: All I can say is: you know how special this was because it was NEVER out. It was always tucked away in the case. These are always cool--the pearls are classy, the engravings make you drool, and the sound is just a little richer (from the Wonder era & the gold). But when you only see maybe 0.05 of these two-tone ones for sale in the world market per year, leave it to Sarge to be the guy with one stashed. haha.
SARGE'S MOUTHPIECE COLLECTION ... as can be documented... Some are Sold--Some where never photographed--some... may have become Chadd's! This area will be updated as needed; any For Sale items may not be most up to date on this page. See the Mouthpieces Page for current inventory.
Sarge's Collection!:
WOW! WOW! I Love it!
Sarge's Collection:
Sarge's Collection!:
Sarge's Collection:
Sarge's Collection:
Sarge's Collection!
Hand Made in England, by Geoff Lawton, This vintage Geoff Lawton metal mouthpiece model 7*B for tenor sax comes with the original ligature and cap. It is in very good condition, a few small bare spot in the silver show brass (see pics). Tip and rails are perfect, bite patch has always been protected, it measures .103". You can tell it was played very little. This mouthpiece provides excellent projection and the intonation is great, from sub-tone to altissimo. The workmanship is beautiful.
- Sound
File (actual mpc) SoloistD,
Lawton 7* B, Brilhart Hard Rubber
From Sarge's Collection:
Sarge's Collection:
Sarge's Collection!
Here you can hear one of his bands, "the Phantoms" do something kinda unique, off their 2nd C.D. "Box Of Wine" (YOUTUBE LINK) he wrote this little instrumental and played all the saxes on this original tune. it's different than the usual "rockin' blues" style, but it's fun. take a listen... I think he used a "The Martin Baritone" on the recording with his customized Martin slimline mouthpiece.
MPC Sound File: Yamaha 4c, a Buescher "Pickle" and a Martin Slimline(Sarge's)
Chadd comments: Sarge only kept one baritone mouthpiece handy for his recordings. That should say something! ...and...I know that he was most often strictly a 'tenor player' type. I did get to play this one. It had a great bark and was a free blower. I recall a Bob Carpenter reface on it. I would memory-guess about 0.105" . SOLD in January 2015
After getting finally settled in the new shop location in 2015, Sarge's mouthpieces gained a grand view from the sidewall. This is a late-era photo--Meaning: we did sell 10-20 over the last few years. This photo shows a pretty neat array even though it only displays 80% of what is lurking around the shop! (not pictured: FL Otto Link tenor, Link slant-signature altos, more "Brilhart hard rubber" tenors, ...Etc!) This photo was at the New location in 2015. I still made a Sarge Tribute Zone for his gear. You See that red-tip "Charlie Ventura Berg Larsen"? yea... that one is definitely gonna end up in my stash! HA
I hope you enjoyed looking at my collection. Cheers, Sarge
(Some of these were sold as his illness progressed. Some are for sale. Some will be for sale eventually. Some will migrate into Chadd's Collection and not be for sale.
To hear more about Sarge's story, please see Sarge's Page.
~ Thanks for viewing! Chadd ~ under construction: Chadd's (meager) Collection...coming soon