WorldwideSax - Sellers of Fine Vintage Saxophones
(Inventory is out of date. In your http address, you'll see "old" for these WWS archives. We wanted to keep this live for saxophone research.) For current inventory and services, please see:
For 2016 Work Schedule Scroll Down
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Work Schedule 2016 On-going '16 side project: Conn Chu Tenor-Super Gigger Custom WWS horn #211k gets Custom Rebuild with custom RED roo pads, maxed out Silver resotech resonators, Premium upgrades, keywork fabrication...etc In Progress/On Hold
1-5-16 Conn 10M Tenor: Worldwide Sax horn #349k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer, and neckstrap moved. Long Complete
~LIMITED AVAILABILITY~ 1-25-16 "The Martin Alto" Full Standard Rebuild Hurwitz Complete
2/5/16 - 2/17/16 Gold Restoration, Martin Typewriter alto: Customer horn returns from plating to get assembled and put together! I can't wait! Hurwitz In Progress
2-25-16 King Zephyr Alto: Worldwide Sax horn #322k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Chant Complete
3-16-16 Nickel plated CONN 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #249k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Griffin Complete
5-9-16 Buescher "Big B" Silver alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout, repair octave trigger too. Dickson Complete
6-15-16 Gold plated Conn "Artist" New Wonder II alto: Worldwide Sax horn #234k gets a Custom Rebuild with Chocolate Roo pads, and custom Resotech Gold, oversized resos with cork throughout. Donnelly Complete
6-26-16 KING SUPER 20 ALTO: Worldwide Sax horn #367k gets a Special Rebuild with Black Roo pads, premium upgrades, FOR CUSTOMER. Martin Complete
8-4-16 Original Lacquer CONN 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #279k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Leung Done
8-11-16 Conn C-Melody: Customer sax #97k. Customer sax gets a WWS Rebuild with Black Roo pads, and 60%+ flat metal resos, and new stainless springs. Mattina Complete
8-20-16 Silver Restoration - Aristo 1 Tenor: Customer sax assembly after 3years of progress. Sax gets a WWS Rebuild. Havenfield Complete
10/20/2016 Buescher TT BASS: WWS/Customer sax #145k. A WWS Inventory sax to be restored for customer. Setup TBD--customer Brass Resos. Pearson In Progress
11/1/16 SML Reynolds Contempora Tenor: WWS horn gets a Sarge Premium Rebuild with black roo pads, Silver Resotech resonators, Premium corks and felts for customer. Felix In Progress
11-25-16 Slot Open
12/10/2016 The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout, replace missing key, and "Acid Bath +" treatment. McCarthy
12-20-16 Slot Open
- 2017 -
1-5-17 Slot Open
1-20-17 Slot Open
2-5-17 Slot Open
DATE TBD Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k Crosby
If you wish to schedule a rebuild, or purchase one of the saxes (and it still needs to be rebuilt), send me a 50% deposit to hold your place in the work schedule. I work from a published schedule (see left margin) so that your sax will only be out of your possession a couple weeks, while i do the actual work, it does not have to just sit on the shop floor, until its turn comes up... you send it to arrive on schedule and we return it on schedule. E-mail chadd with questions about our vintage saxes at:
Sure Pay/ClearXchange: The newest Bank-to-Bank $ transfer option by mobile phones to send money to our Email address! No fees attached! Perhaps THE way of future banking and payments. Use: (Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Chase...)
If a horns says "just rebuilt", then it's ready to go, saxes that say "scheduled for a rebuild" are waiting for the work to be done, but it will be included in the posted price. If a sax says "ON TRIAL" someone is taking advantage of the "Three Day Trial" policy (See Info and Orders page).
Saxophone Comparison Chart Some of the best vintage saxes of all time (and SOUND FILES)
Here is a pic of some custom resonator work. The reso can be sized to your tonehole, or whatever you would like. I can get you virtually any resonator ordered. Sarge's favorite was the Resotech solid silver reso.
WE DO GOLD AND SILVER ELECTRO-PLATING That's right! We have a: GOLD STAR Pro plating system
It is our business to Rebuild your sax or sell ours as Fully Rebuilt Saxes. We never sell our stock "As-Is". We are Restorers.
If you wish to schedule a rebuild, or purchase one of our saxes and it still needs to be rebuilt, send us a 50% deposit and we will schedule its rebuild before any of our other inventory. Everybody loves these new Kangaroo skin pads, aka Saxgourmet Pads and you can get them from Curt, at you can request that any WWS stock be rebuilt with them, or just click this link and order some for yourself.
Check out our newest pages...
Hard to find: Here is a helpful outline of SML serial Numbers: S.M.L.
Serial Numbers: 0001
– 3000 / 1934 to 1940 3000
– 5500 / 1940 to 1945 5500
– 8000 / 1945 to 1950 8000
– 12000 / 1950 to 1955 12000
– 16000 / 1955 to 1960 16000
– 19000 / 1960 to 1965 22000
– 24000 / 1970 to 1975 24000
– 26000 / 1975 to 1980 26000 – 27000 / 1980 to 1982
SML Stencils: HINT: no one ever says that these models play "bad". (I have seen that many are connected to the Gold Medal era and into the King Marigaux era. Rev D era ones are very rare. WWS 'seen' examples are noted with their serial number.) Pitchard Artist (#19k GM) A.Cojan (#21k--UNIQUE: with F#!, unique for the early number!, with Rev D guards, GM engraving, Marigaux F#.) Reynolds Contempora (#19k GM) Jen Co Harmonica (#8k, Rev D) Alexandre (#10k Rev D) "The Woodwind Co." (#14k Rev D) Vedette (#20k, GM)
Here is a helpful outline of Keilwerth serial Numbers: Keilwerth Serial Numbers: 1925: 0-800 1933-5: 9000 1941: 18,500 1947: #20,000 1953: #23,000 1958: #28,000 1960: #38,000 1962: #43,000 1964: #49,000 1966: #55,000 1971: #69,000 1975-6?: #79,000 1977: #81,000 1986: #91,000 1993: #99,100 1996: #104,000 1998: #109,000 2004: #119,000 Keilwerth made The New King and Tone King as their main brand names, from 1932 to 1969 or so, but there were always stencils, like Edgeware and later Couf. Here are few of the other names you may find on Keilwerth made horns. The New King and Tone King saxes were identical except for a high F# key on the tone king model, but keilwerth marketed the Tone King as the "deluxe" Pro model and the New King as the "standard" Pro model Known Keilwerth Stencils: Couf Superba 1 & 2 Royalist Conn DJH Buffet Edgeware Marco Vincent Albert Martelle Winsall Tam Bundy Special (H&A Selmer) (La Sete - seen: baritone/soprano) Armstrong Heritage King Tempo Champion Calvert Deluxe Silvertone Hammerschmidt (sopranos) Jean Barre Artist (seen Alto) Princeton (seen Alto) American Master (seen Alto)
Keilwerth copiers, such as Amati, Dörfler & Jörka (1949 to 1968, then purchased by Keilwerth) and B&S H.Genet Roxy Jubilee Voss Silvertone Rene Dumont Keilwerth relatives: Max Keilwerth and Richard Keilwerth (Graslitz) made saxes under the names:
Weltklang (baritones only) Senator Hohner
Here is a handy chart for King ZEPHYR series: Zephyr
and Zephyr Special s/n
170xxx to 180xxx s/n 180xxx to 237xxx Zephyr Special: s/n 200xxx to 280xxx s/n 237xxx to 305xxx s/n 305xxx to 423xxx s/n 423xxx to 540xxx 1945 was the beginning of King's Super 20 (s/n 272xxx) Here is a handy chart for King SUPER 20 series: 1945-1949 "Series I": #272xxx to 295xxx Tranny "Series Ia": #295xxx to
305xxx #305xxx to
340xxx #340xxx to
380xxx #380xxx to 426xxx Factory
moves to Eastlake #426xxx to 540xxx 1975 "Series VI": <1975? era debate 1975+? #540xxx to 800xxx
Past Work Schedule 2010: 4-13-10 Gold Plated The Martin Soprano 64,xxx: Done 4-18-10 Silver The Martin Tenor 184K "USMC": Done 5-7-10 Buffet SDA Alto 18K: Done 5-14-10 Armstrong Low A Baritone: Done 5-25-10 Conn 10M: Done 5-28-10 Martin Committee 2 Alto: WWS Done 6-1-10 J. Keilwerth 1934 New King Alto: Nickle plated Done 6-11-10 The Martin Alto: Done 6-17-10 Silver Buescher Big B: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos for customer. Done 6-24-10 1948 Conn 6m Naked Lady: Done 7-2-10 Buescher 400 Tenor #505K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Prestini rivetless dome metal resos. WWS Done 7-8-10 1928 Silver Conn Chu Alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. DONE 7-20-10 King Super 20 Alto #415K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. WWS Done 7-28-10 Conn 6m: customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. Done 7-28-10 1945 The Martin Tenor: WWS horn 153K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Seamless Domed resos. WWS Done
8-5-10 Buescher Aristo "156" Tenor #338K: Done 8-12-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads, some Premium upgrades, minor fabrication work, and some plating restorations. Done 8-13-10 1972 Selmer Mark VI alto #208K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads and natural cork throughout. WWS Done 8-27-10 1940 Conn 26M alto: Customer horn gets a Premium Vintage Rebuild with White Roos & Seamless Flat resos. Done 9-7-10 1952 King Zephyr Alto: WWS horn 328K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild. WWS Done 9-23-10 Buescher Big B Tenor #322K: WWS horn gets a Standard Buescher Rebuild with Buescher snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Done 6-17-10 Silver Buescher Aristocrat #280k: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 10-15-10 1960s LeBlanc Rationale Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads. Sarge/WWS Done 10-22-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads for customer. Done 10-26-10 1940 Martin Comm 2 alto: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads, some Premium upgrades for customer. Done 11-4-10 Buescher Aristocrat Alto #345k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 11-4-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Tenor #317k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 11-18-10 Silver Conn Chu alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos. Childs Done 12-2-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Alto: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done 12-14-10 The Martin Tenor #208k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos and rivet center. WWS Done 12-17-10 Nickel Conn Chu Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage French Standard Rebuild with plastic resos. WWS Done
Please e-mail or phone us for additional descriptions or JPEG's of
any of our current inventory, or if you don't see something you would like to have, let us
know. We have a long list of customers you can
e-mail for references. (see References Page) ~~Chadd&Steve~~ Past Work 2011: 1-1-2011 H.Couf Superba 1 Tenor: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Pisoni rivetless dome metal resos. Thaut Done 1-4-11 1938 Buescher Aristocrat series 1 Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap-in Rebuild with natural cork throughout. WWSDone 1-19-11 1940s Buescher Aristocrat Alto: Customer's alto neck gets pull-down repair and dents removed. Garcia Done 1-19-11 Conn "tranny" Chu alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout and Sherry Huntly Engraving. WWS Done 1-28-11 Conn 6m alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout. Harford Done 2-5-11 King Super 20 alto - pearls: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with premuim extras. WWS Done 2-22-11 King Super 20 tenor - pearls: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Noyak resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Atkinson Done 2-23-11 Buescher 400 Tenor 429K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap In rebuild. WWS Done 3-10-11 Conn Gold C-Soprano 98K: WWS horn gets a rebuild for customer with silver Resotechs to be gold plated & Premium Upgrade. Gast Done 4-7-11 King Super 20 tenor --full pearls: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. Sarge Done 4-14-11 Conn Chu tranny tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Resotech resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads and a Premium Upgrade and New stainless steel springs. Mattina Done 4-21-11 Buffet S-1 Tenor: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. Sarge Done 5-10-11 Vintage YAS-62 purple label: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos. Tebo Done 5-13-11 Vintage Dolnet #24K: WWS horn gets a French Standard rebuild with Flat Metal resos. WWS Done 5-19-11 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Silver Restoration with a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and full Spring Replacement. Zax Done 6-3-11 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and swedging. Layer Done 6-20-11 Silver Buescher TrueTone IV Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard rebuild with Buescher Snap In Pads. Tarvin Done 7-1-11 King Saxello customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild. Zax Done 7-15-11 Silver Conn curved Soprano: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild after chemical Lacquer stripping, for customer. Luchtan Done 7-29-11 Silver Conn 26M alto: WWS horn gets Rebuilt and some much needed TLC. WWS Done 8/7/11--8/13/11 TIME OFF 8-15-11 1935 Conn 10M tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Oleru Done 8-16-11 The Martin Tenor 1953: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild. Neilo Done 8-29-11 King Zephyr alto: WWS (OS) horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. harrson/Keller Done 9-1-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-10-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-20-11 Martin Committee II alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild.Siboliban Done
10-1-11 Martin Committee I alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild + a new custom screw rod. Siboliban Done
10-18-11 Martin Committee III "The Martin alto": WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Zink Done
11-1-11 H&A Selmer Bundy Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer with domed metal resos for customer. Snowhill Done
11-13-11 Mark VI alto: Silver Restoration Returns from Andersons. Customer horn gets a with a French Standard rebuild with Metal dome resos and full Spring Replacement with Rose Gold Plating Accents. Zax Done
12-6-11 Buescher Big B Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout. Aaberg Done
12/22--31/11 TIME OFF
~ 2012 ~
1-3-11 Conn Gold Artist "Harp" alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Seward Done
1-17-12 Buescher Big B Tenor: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout. Williamson Done
2-1-12 SML Rev D Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout, + custom key fabrication. Heine Done
3-8-12 The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Gillette Done
3-16-12 Buffet Super Dynaction Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Croasdale Done
3-28-12 Conn baritone?: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Tarvin Canceled
3/29--4/16/12 TIME OFF
4-26-12 Martin Committee I Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-10-12 Buffet SDA Alto #18,7xx: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Black Roo pads with Noyak resonators for customer. Sheedy Done
5-31-12 Silver/nickel The Martin Alto: WWS horn gets vintage standard rebuild with new stainless steel springs, Rose-gold wash bell. Krause Done
6-21-12 Silver The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer plus custom thumb hook, post repairs. Evans Done
6-27-12 The Martin Tenor, Official Music Man Model: WWS horn gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with Saxgourmet Roo Pads. Tuncel Done
7-3-12 Selmer Super Balanced Action Tenor: gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with tan pads and domed metal resos50%+. Maxwell Done
7-13-12 The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Premium Rebuild with prestini pads and seamless flat resos, and custom work. Leisenbach Done
7-27-12 B&S Blue Label alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer and custom pearls installed. Incorvaia Done
8/2--8/5/12 TIME OFF
8-6-12 Buescher "The Aristocrat" alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher rebuild with original snap-on pads and natural cork throughout. Complete
8-10-12 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with stack swedging and screw replacements and minor fabrication. Suhling Done
8-22-12 Silver Conn Chu Alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer, with neck octave key work and swedging throughout. Hayes Done
9/1--9/12/2012 School Prep
9-13-12 Conn 6M viii alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout and case solving. O'Brien Done
9-28-12 Gold Plate SML Rev D Tenor: WWS horn gets The Sarge Special rebuild (Premium) for customer, with gold plated domed Resotech resonators on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Ester Done
10-12-12 Silver Selmer " Model 26" Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with neck repair and oversized flat resonators with rivet. Verver Done
10-31-12 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roos with original resos. Premium? Spring Replacement?. Johnson Done
11/3--11/14/12 TIME OFF
11-16-12 Conn Virtuoso Deluxe C-Melody 8M: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with White Roos for consignment sale. Emmons- Catalano Done
11-23-12 The Martin Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout. Machin Done
12-6-12 Conn 10M Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout. Ruud Done
12-17-12 Conn Artist Soprano in gold plate: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout and Saxgourmet Roo pads. Woodmancy Done
12/21--1/2/13 TIME OFF Christmas Break
The Work Schedule 2013: 1-7-13 Conn 10M, silver 1945 Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout. Smith Done
1-10-13 Buescher 400 alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. Done
1-18-13 SML Rev D Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with oversized flat resos, Natural cork throughout and acid bath. Pearson Done
1-29-13 The Martin Baritone: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild for customer with vintage standard resos and tan pads. Bogle/Ryba Done
2-21-13 King Zephyr Tenor #308k: WWS horn gets Vintage Rebuild with seamless flat resos and Black Roo Pads! WWS Done
3-1-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. WWS Done
3-13-13 1960s Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic resonators. Adams Done
3-25-13 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Baritone Low A: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators. Hanan Done
4/1--4/7/13 TIME OFF
4-29-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306,44x gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-2-13 King Silversonic Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators. Gifford Done
5-16-13 Martin Imperial Baritone: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators; and new blue steel springs. Johnson Done
6-1-13 The Martin Alto: WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
6-18-13 Conn New Wonder Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and flat metal resonators. Fisher Done
7-1-13 Silver Conn 6M VIII alto: WWS horn #314k gets new GOLD plate in bell and a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer. Balk Done
7-11-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic domed resonators. Backman Done
8-7-13 The Martin Tenor, Official Musicman Model: WWS horn #214k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Black Roo pads, seamless flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer. McKeirnan Done
8/19/13--8/30/13 Two weeks School Prep
9-1-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets new springs Backman Done
9-2-13 Conn C-Soprano: WWS horn #117k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done 10-3-13 Buescher Tipped Bell Bb Soprano: WWS horn #204k gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with snap in pads, and natural cork throughout for customer. Zax Done
10-15-13 Conn Gold C-Melody: WWS horn gets a prepared for customer. Lindberg Done
10-29-13 The Martin Alto: WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
11-1-13 Selmer Mark VII alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with plastic resos and natural cork throughout. Rachmiel Done
11-21-13 Selmer Mark VI Tenor 205k: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild on Saxgourmet Roo Pads with seamless domed metal resos at 60%+ and natural cork throughout, also some neck repair. Coile Done
12-10-13 Conn Curved Soprano: WWS horn #57k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer. Eberhard Done
12/22/13--1/1/13 TIME OFF - Xmas Break
Schedule 2014:
1-16-14 Buescher TrueTone Baritone: customer horn #224k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout, acid bath and clean up work. Cantrael Done
2-4-14 Buescher Tenor: Customer horn #13k gets TLC and Buescher Standard Setups for customer. Balk Done
2-24-14 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with Snap-in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Strassmaier Done
3-1-14 Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1 Tenor: WWS horn #278k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Gore Done
3-10-14 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Low-A Baritone: Consignment horn gets a Custom Rebuild with tan pads, resotech resos, natural cork throughout with some premium upgrades for customer. Vitale Done
3-24-14 Conn Chu Berry Alto: Customer horn gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout. Miranda Done
On-going '14 side projects: King Saxello WWS horn #76k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, and some Premium upgrades. Done
4-14-14 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn #183K gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout, spring replacements. Vogelgesang Done
5-9-14 1980s Vito Low-A Baritone: Customer horn gets a WWS Rebuild with tan pads, large metal resos, natural cork throughout. ASD Done
5-29-14 "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #158k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild, body metal cleaning, Tan pads and flat resos with natural cork throughout for a customer. McDonaldDone
6-5-14-Side schedule: Julius Keilwerth Tone King Tenor: previous WWS sax returns for cosmetic work and tune-ups. Silver spot plating and Goldwash bell. Balk DONE
6-10-14: "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #187k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, custom resotech resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Axton In Progress
6-25-14: Selmer New Largebore, gold plated Tenor: WWS/customer horn #13k gets Vintage Rebuild with original metal resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Maxwell Done
7-2-14 Buescher Big B alto: WWS horn #328,1xx gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Bertrand Done
7-12-14 Selmer Mark VI Alto: WWS horn #101K gets Vintage Selmer Rebuild with original plastic resos, custom Premium upgrades, natural & tech cork throughout for a customer. Lindberg Done
7-22-14 Selmer Super Action 80 series II alto: 2004 customer horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roo pads, tech cork, ultra suede etc... and silver Resotech resonators for a customer. Simonishvili Done
On-going '14 side projects: Conn Chu Tenor-Super Gigger Custom WWS horn #211k gets Custom Rebuild with custom RED roo pads, maxed out Silver resotech resonators, Premium upgrades, keywork fabrication...etc In Progress
Sept./ Oct./Nov. 2014 SHOP CLOSED: --MOVING!--CLICK
~~ 2015 ~~
4-1-15 Silver Bundy Special Baritone: custom help for a customer horn. shipping damages. (non rebuild) JOHNSON Complete
4-12-15 Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k Crosby
4-19-15 King Zephyr Special Alto: WWS horn gets Rebuild with upgrades for a customer. Keen Done
5-9-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn Dize Done
6-1-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn Nordmann Done
6-13-15 H. Genet Tenor: WWS Horn for Customer Meyers Done
6-19-15 Martin Committee 1 alto: Customer horn #116K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Hodgson Done
7-20-15 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn #147K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with reused resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Harned Done
7-29-15 Conn Chu Berry Tenor: Customer horn #236K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Parashes Done
8-22-15 Silver Restoration - Aristo 1 Tenor: Havenfield In Progress
8-15-15 King Super 20 Alto: WWS horn #427K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Rarden Complete
9-5-15 Conn Chu-tranny Tenor #166k: WWS horn #166K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50%+ resos, natural cork throughout for a customer--no silver polishing. Donnelly Complete
10-15-15 SML Rev. D tenor: WWS horn #9K gets Custom Rebuild with gold resotech resos, premium upgrades for a customer. Uchiya Complete
10-29-15 1919 Buescher Curved Soprano: WWS horn #61K gets a Vintage Rebuild with seamless,. metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. McInnis Complete
11-15-15 1956 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: WWS horn #65K Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. Nik Complete
12-5-15 Special Orders: Christmas prep...
12-12-15 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with natural cork throughout--Jan 2 pickup. Reynolds Complete
HOLIDAY BREAK Dec. 22, 2014 - Jan. 2, 2015
1926 Buescher True Tone Silver Alto: Serial number 180k. original silver plating at looks at 85% with normal wear on thumb rests and key touches. There were no Norton springs this early but the blue steel needle springs look to be much newer...sweet! This model has a great tubby-warmth to the sound --Sigard Rascher made this one famous! It arrived old and stinky (to be acid bathed and cleaned thoroughly!) which is all too normal for our 90yr old (!!!) saxes. The sax is in great shape though. Only two dent/bumps to address (on the front bow). The lyre screw has been altered; I will clean up their solder but leave it at is unless you request something more specific, just ask. Comes with the preferred "1" neck (better tone/intonation). They have a tone that is uniquely 'Buescher' for early vintage saxes--very woody--but intonation was not perfected well on these 1920s horns. only heavily tarnished on arrival, she will clean up nicely (first photo with minor silver polishing done). :)There is no snap-in system for the pads so I am deciding whether to use the (#1) "Original Buescher" style rebuild, with metal backed-press in pads and domed metals or (#2) Tan Prestini's with metal domes to mimic the original buescher setup but offer better ease for techs going forward. ...with natural cork throughout. it comes in original wood case is fair shape with the main handle replace with a rope, case is solid but both 2 hinge latches are very loose (center one clips still)...and it will all go for: SOLD Item#: OS01.00.00.871.2-0-0 SOUND FILE: Buescher TrueTone vs. Martin Committee 2 vs. Buescher Aristo series 3
1928-9 Buescher True Tone Silver Alto: (Consignment Sale - Plays well, minor adjustments recommended) If you buy a TT series, this is the one to get (roller G#), Serial number 246k. GORGEOUS original silver plating at looks at 99% and the later engraving change. This is a beauty with satin vs shiny contrast, no goldwash bell--There is NO WEAR on the sax. I only see some neckstrap wear, but there is no silver loss on even the palms or thumbrest. You just feel better holding this one. There were no Norton springs this early but the blue steel needle springs look to be much newer...sweet! This model has a great tubby-warmth to the sound --Sigard Rascher made this one famous! Comes with the preferred "1" neck (better tone/intonation). They have a tone that is uniquely 'Buescher' for early vintage saxes--very woody--but intonation was not perfected well on these 1920s horns; NEWER PADS! The Snap In system look fully intact, but I can't say if the pads used were Metal-backed without taking it apart. It comes in an original Buescher case in great shape to match, but the handle was wrapped in tape to fix. SOLD Item#: WWSConsignmentSitz SOUND FILE: Buescher TrueTone vs. Martin Committee 2 vs. Buescher Aristo series 3
1945 Buescher "Top Hat & Cane" Alto: ser # 306,49x, These are fantastic altos--well respected, better than average ergos. This example is in very nice condition, Original Lacquer, and no resolders to mention. I only see two minor dents on the back body and alto the octave linkage to the neck was broken (will need fixed/soldered), which is an all-too-common Buescher fix. That will all be taken care of in the rebuild. They maintain the Buescher warmth but have a bigger sound from their exponential bore and the big bell. Comes in original, red, Buescher case in good shape for being vintage. The original snap in system is intact, so I plan to do a complete "Original Buescher" style rebuild, with metal backed-press in pads and then snap in the original metal domes with natural cork throughout...and it will all go for: SOLD - Hayden Item#:WWS13.31.65.7241.2-3-13 SOUND FILE: Buescher 400 "Top Hat & Cane", The Martin Alto, Selmer Mark VI #101k SOUND FILE: Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane Sound File: 1950 Buescher400 Top Hat & Cane, 1947 "The Martin Alto", 1931 Conn Chu (deco), (misspoke, not a '45 B400) SOUND FILE (actual sax!): '63 Selmer Mark VI, '72 Buffet SDA, Couf Superba 1,
1950 Buescher "Top Hat & Cane" Alto: (Consignment Sale: Plays Excellent!) ser # 333,7xx, These are fantastic altos--well respected, better than average ergos. This example is in excellent condition, Original Lacquer, They maintain the Buescher warmed but have a bigger sound from their exponential bore and the big bell. Comes in a nice vintage case. The original snap in system is intact, so Sarge did a complete "Original Buescher" style rebuild, with metal backed-press in pads and then snap in the original metal domes with natural cork throughout...and it will all go for: SOLD Unbeatable Quality, Beauty and Price when you start comparing! Item#:WWSconsignemntSiddaway8-08 Sound File (actual sax!): 1950 Buescher400 Top Hat & Cane, 1947 "The Martin Alto", 1931 Conn Chu (deco), (misspoke, not a '45 B400) SOUND FILE: Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane
SOLD Item#:WWS21.15.3271.5-0-specialconsigment
1949 Buescher "Big B", Aristocrat Alto: Serial number 328k, model 140. This is a good looking Original lacquer Buescher that show signs of use but not wild abuse. This one has the exponential bore, but retain the sweetness of the earlier models. (pics are before rebuild and burnishing) They are versatile, warm sounding, comfortable playing altos, with better intonation than most, even including Selmers. we will burnish out any dents, just a few in the bow. All but one (high F) of the original snap-in system is intact, so I plan to do a complete "Original Buescher" style rebuild, with metal backed-press in pads and then snap in the original metal domes. It comes with a 1970s, non-original case is good working order...and it will all go for: still listed for sale as of 3/15/16 Item#: WWS6.3E4.98.2261.1-0-0 SOUND FILE: Buescher BigB325k, VOSS, SML Rev-C #75xx, Buescher TrueTone#205k, OLDS Superstar SOUND FILE: 5digit Selmer mk vi, vs a Big B vs. a The Martin Alto SOUND FILE : Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1 SOUND FILE: Conn26M(not rebuilt) vs. vintage Yamaha62 vs. Buescher BigB
1952 Buescher Aristocrat "flower" Alto: I guess WWS gets to claim the extra nickname "flower" on this model. I just felt that a word would be better than the Model Number association. (not to be confused with the "400 Flower" and its prettier flowers!) Original lacquer is great, maybe 85%. Serial number 345k, i really like this model. This is the transitional link, between the aristocrat and the buescher 400. These are the Series III of the Aristocrats and they play bigger than a Big B (series II) due to the change from the parabolic, to the exponential bore but retain the sweetness of the earlier model. All the original snap in system is intact, so it received a complete "Buescher style rebuild" and it will go for: still for sale as of 3-9-2015 Just Finished, this is one of my "go to" saxes on the wall. Item#:WSS SOUND FILE: Buescher TrueTone vs. Martin Committee 2 vs. Buescher Aristo series 3 <click here.
1967 Buescher "400" (flower) alto: ser # 457xxx, These are highly undervalued models--well respected by those who know, great intonation, better than average ergos. Some labels will call this the 1st Generation Selmer from the buyout. It retains the underslung neck and the bell keys moved back to the left. This example is in very nice condition, Original Lacquer at 98%, and some normal wear on the nickel plated keys. no resolders to mention. There are only a few little dings throughout, they will all be taken care of in the rebuild. They maintain the Buescher warmth but have a bigger sound from their exponential bore and the big bell. Comes in non original case, plastic casing--good, functioning condition. The original snap in system is intact, so I plan to do a complete "Original Buescher" style rebuild, with metal backed-press in pads and then snap in the original metal domes with natural cork throughout...and it will all go for: SOLD Item#:WWS3.50.10211.2-2-13 Sound File (actual sax): Julius Keilwerth New King, Buffet SDA, The Martin Alto, Buescher 400 Sound File (actual sax!): 1938 Buescher Aristocrat 1, 1967 Buescher 400, 1960 Keilwerth "The New King", 1938 Voss (JK)
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BUFFET: 1961 Buffet S.D.A. Alto(four-digit): with C# vent lever (missing). Only on early SDA's. These compare very favorably to the famed Selmer Mark VI, usually ranked #2. Known for its rich tone and smooth action it is a well designed heavy horn, it keeps its adjustment well and is very reliable. The serial number is 8,0xx, which means it was made in 1961. Original Lacquer is about 50% although there are some scratches (see pics) it will be a great value for the money, the G# "pearl" is missing and a few of the bell guard pearls too, we'll see if we can make these blemishes better with some other inserts. The early serial #s are darker in tone and the same holds true for the early Selmers (adding their big $ boost). Included is an original Buffet tan hard case in good solid shape. It will get a "French Standard" rebuild, and leave in the original screw-in, large, flat, metal resos. SOLD Item#:WWS7.00.11.6141.1-0-0 Sound File: Selmer Super Balanced Action, Mark VI, Buffet Super Dynaction Sound File (actual sax): Julius Keilwerth New King, Buffet SDA, The Martin Alto, Buescher 400
1972 Buffet S.D.A. Alto: (On Consignment-Plays well. ) It does play all the way down to low Bb. These compare very favorably to the famed Selmer Mark VI, usually ranked #2. Known for its rich tone and smooth action it is a well-designed heavy horn; it holds its adjustment well and is very reliable. The serial number is 17,3xx, which means it was made in 1972. Original Lacquer is about 95% although there are some scratches (see pics, past dent repairs above neckstrap ring and bell lip. both look great now.) these are always a great value for the money. Included is a great SKB molded, hard case OR... original Buffet hard case in good solid shape--but we would need to plan with the owner to have it delivered. It was rebuilt elsewhere with minimal use with a "French Standard" rebuild that has selmer-style, plastic resos. SOLD Item#:WWS-Consignment SOUND FILE (actual sax!): Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane SOUND FILE (actual sax!): 1970 Selmer Mark VI, 1939 Selmer Balanced Action, 1970 Buffet SuperDynAction, 2007 Yamaha custom 82z SOUND FILE: Buffet SDA vs King Marigaux SML vs The Martin Alto SOUND FILE (actual sax!): Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane SOUND FILE (actual sax!): '63 Selmer Mark VI, '72 Buffet SDA, Couf Superba 1, SOUND
"Blind": Random
order: Dolnet Series-II, 1956 King Zephyr, 1972 Buffet "Super DynAction",
1947 "The Martin Alto"
1982 Buffet
S-1 Alto Sax (w/
high F#):
SOLD Item#: WWST20.00.12.2121.2-1-98 SOUND FILE: Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane
Conn Gold Wonder -- Artist, Full Naked Lady (playing harp) Alto: (pics needed from archive)
Conn Gold Wonder -- Artist, Full Naked Lady (in water) Alto: Ser.# 117,xxx dates to 1923. There appears to be silver inlay on the field and the lady's towel. There is some normal wear on the side/palm keys and other common areas. I am considering how much to re-Gold but it looks ok as it--just played mostly worn into the silver; these Artist models always deserve replating work though. These are great lookers and I'm always compelled to make it as pretty as I can. Ergos are not that great, but i know a lot of players that play them in spite of the 20's design and would never switch to a Selmer. Tone-wise...these are warmer than the later Chu era Conn's and bring a full warmth to the sound. Comes in a newer (still old) TRI-PACK case that still has the clarinet 'zone', and flute case elastic straps where a whole flute case might fit in there! I'd have to check again. It's all in sturdy condition. (For shipping it's a Tenor size) I will repad it, with a Conn-style, French standard repad (aka, a vintage rebuild, a 899.00 rebuild). still for sale as of 3-9-2015 Item#:WWS4.17.21.441-1-0-0 SOUND FILE: "Conn Early Lineage": Wonder vs Wonder II (Chu) vs 6M Naked Lady
Silver Conn New Wonder II "Chu Berry" Alto: Ser.# m148,xxx dates to 1925. Excellent condition "Chu" with nailfile G#, rolled tone holes, tuning neck, Goldwash bell, everything we love. Original Silver plate and Satin Silver highlights model, in very nice overall condition. Now, if you've never played a Chu, they are stunningly powerful altos...big fat sound top to bottom. Ergos are not that great, but i know a lot of players that play them in spite of the 20's design and would never switch to a Selmer. I will repad it, with a Conn-style, french standard repad (aka, a vintage rebuild, a 899.00 rebuild). 1469.00 Item#:WSS SOUND FILE: "Conn Set": Conn Chu vs. Conn 6M(RTH) vs. Conn26M Connqueror
1928 Nickel Conn - New Wonder II "Chu Berry" Alto:
SOLD Item#:WWS1W.5W0.5261.6-28
1930 GOLD Conn - New Wonder II "Chu Berry" Alto:
$SOLD Item#:WWS5.0S0.411.6-C16
1930 Conn "Art Deco" Transitional Chu/6M Alto: #241k, player/collector's delight, Finish: GOLD (to be verified on arrival). Underslung neck, and swivel thumbhook era. The dual-backside bell keys will place this one on in the transition era; notice that the bell-backside wire guard wasn't present on this model yet. Chu: G# cluster 6M: NECK, Bell keys (thus, bell guard at 50%), $available as of 11-3-2016 Item#:WWS8.5E9.95.891.6-C0
1931 Conn Tranny "CHU" Art Deco Alto: A neat, silver engraving resto... Ser # 244,xxx, a 1931 model. Another Great "Chu" with Art Deco engraving, nailfile G#, rolled tone holes, tuning neck, everything we love. It has been very nicely relacquered and looks nice and vintage (see pics). I repaded it, with a Conn-style, standard repad (aka, a vintage rebuild). Sarge decided to send it off to Sherry Huntley and have it re-engraved to make this Deco-style bell really pop out (also secretly adding Silver on the engraving for blend/pop). Classic vintage Conn hard case included. still for sale as of 3-9-2015 Item#:WSS Sound File (actual sax!): 1950 Buescher400 Top Hat & Cane, 1947 "The Martin Alto", 1931 Conn Chu (deco), (misspoke, not a '45 B400) SOUND FILE (Actual Sax!): "Conn Early Lineage": Wonder vs Wonder II (Chu) vs 6M Naked Lady Sound
File: Conn
Chu, JK New King, Dolnet II
1932 Gold Conn 6M "Naked Lady": a rare gold finish! Naked Lady Transitional era: Serial #251,xxx. These have a cult following as the first of the Naked Lady run. Body is in great overall shape. other than the evidence of mess pad glue, there is no past repairs or damage to mention. What a beauty! It has the very rare original, satin/shiny gold finish at 60%...and lots of silver under-plating is visible. The neck is mostly silver only now. It has Rolled Tone Holes and the fine tuning neck adjuster. It arrived in the original wood case that is in good condition and functional shape--double-pack case for [metal?] clarinet. It will get a Vintage Conn Rebuild with flat metal resos on Prestini pads and natural cork throughout. still for sale as of 3-9-2015 Item #: WWS7.50.00.531.2-0
SOUND FILE : Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1 SOUND
FILE: "Conn 6M
Set x3": Conn
6M's (RTH): '34 #261k, '37 #282k-VIII, '42 309k-VIII-"U.S."
1937 Conn 6M Naked Lady "VIII": Serial #279,xxx in good overall shape, original lacquer at about 92%. It has Rolled Tone Holes and the fine tuning neck adjuster. Stamped "VIII"s have been credited for playing better; there's just something about them and the vintage world knows it. The body is in great shape with minor dings in the bow, and one and 3 halves that would get to be called dents. Those will be addressed further along the rebuild process. It arrived in the original wood case that is in decent but functional shape. It could be used but the latches are vintage and moody. ;) It will get a Vintage Conn Rebuild with flat metal resos on Prestini pads and natural cork throughout. This horn is one of THE examples for all those who love and respect Conn. All included for: still for sale as of 3-9-2015 You CANNOT find another 1930s 6M "VIII" with a pro rebuild for this price! ***There are always 2-3 on ebay for 1800-2400 AND they all need a rebuild! Item #:WWS6. SOUND FILE: Conn 6M "viii" vs. Couf Superba 1 vs. Mark VI SOUND FILE: Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a King Super 20, vs a Conn 6m(RTH)
Sound File: ALTOs
x4 "Blind": Random
order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat", '44 King "Zephyr
Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI
1937 Conn 6M "VIII" Alto, bare brass Restoration: (On Consignment - Plays Great ) Here's another prime era 6M that will be a bargain for the actual transformation that it underwent! This sax had a massive Restoration invested: Matte/shiny bare brass, new matte-effect applied (blasting) and they took exquisite care to mask off the engraving for protection! Beautiful! Serial #282xxx = superb. It received NEW SPRINGS--stainless! Current pads are selmer-style with plastic resos. They have lots of life left. Comes with a vintage Conn Chu case currently. (If you want to buy a newer one/swap... Let's chat.). ***Bottom line description: This is a very very sought after sax to love, play and collect. It has a custom finish. If it got about $100 of tune up work, you'd have a sax that was ready to play your guts out for several years to come! SOLD Item #:WWS-consignmentSC2 SOUND FILE: Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a King Super 20, vs a Conn 6m(RTH)
Sound File (actual sax!): ALTOs
x4 "Blind": Random
order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat", '44 King "Zephyr
Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI SOUND
FILE (actual sax!): "Conn
6M Set x3": Conn
6M's (RTH): '34 #261k, '37 #282k-VIII, '42 309k-VIII-"U.S."
1942 Conn 6M U.S. "VIII" SILVER Alto:
SOLD Item #: WWSConsignmentRwill. SOUND FILE: Conn 6M "viii" vs. Couf Superba 1 vs. Mark VI SOUND FILE: Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1 SOUND
FILE (actual sax!): "Conn
6M Set x3": Conn
6M's (RTH): '34 #261k, '37 #282k-VIII, '42 309k-VIII-"U.S." SOUND
FILE (actual sax!): ALTOs
x4 "Blind": Random
order: 1959 King Super 20, Conn 6M "VIII", The Martin Alto, Selmer USA
1945 Silver Conn 6M, VIII, "Naked Lady": Naked Lady in great shape, with Serial #314,xxx. These "stamp VIII"s have a cult following and are considered to be some of the best 6Ms ever built. I rebuild it with a Conn Vintage Rebuild and GOLD plated the bell interior. SOLD -- CB (After pic on the left) Item #: WWS7.50.00.531.2-0 SOUND FILE: Conn 6M "viii" vs. Couf Superba 1 vs. Mark VI SOUND FILE: Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1
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1979 H. Couf Superba I Alto Sax: (On Consignment-Plays great) S# 83xxx, made sometime between 1979 and 1981, nice early Superba 1, these are noted for a very big, warm sound, that is full of harmonics and body. These models are rarer; the finish is very good, perhaps 90%, with the usual wear and minor scratches. No serial number on the neck. Body is very straight, no dings or dents. Below the thumb rest is stamped: "MADE IN WEST GERMANY EXCLUSIVELY FOR W.T. ARMSTRONG COMPANY BY JULIUS KEILWERTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FACTORY". Great lacquer, older pads not used much, a few pads changed a few years back but not played much--quite a bit of life left on all. It comes with the original, brown, "H.Couf" case in very nice shape to match. SOLD Item#: WWSConsignmentH SOUND FILE (actual sax!):'63 Selmer Mark VI, '72 Buffet SDA, Couf Superba 1, SOUND FILE: Conn 6M "viii" vs. Couf Superba 1 vs. Mark VI
Dolnet Series II Silver Plated Alto Saxophone: 1940's Vintage, S/N 24,xxx Here's a great vintage alto all original silver plate. This alto comes from the mid 1940's. Dolnet is a great French made saxophone in production since the 1880's. Cosmetically, these are known for their hexagonal keyguards. I haven't had one in here for a couple years, these 40's models are nice heavy horns, stronger metal than the Bel air model, with a big Conn type sound, that is warm and fat.SOLD Item #:WSS Sound
File (actual sax): Conn
Chu, JK New King, Dolnet II Sound File (actual sax): Alto MPC file (all metals): Selmer "Jazz" E, Dukoff D6 (Miami), Otto Link NY Tone Master <6, Brilhart Level Air 6* SOUND
FILE (actual sax!):
"Blind": Random
order: Dolnet Series-II, 1956 King Zephyr, 1972 Buffet "Super DynAction",
1947 "The Martin Alto"
(Dörfler & Jörka) 1959 VOSS (Dörfler & Jörka) Alto: (On Consignment-Plays great) ser#13xxx, by a JK chart, i figured this one to be a 1938-9 model, but i misspoke and should have trusted my gut. it's about 1959. It has Rolled Tone Holes. It is in rather great shape and the engraving looks excellent. There is one missing pearl on the Bb keyguard (cosmetic only). The original lacquer at 85% and the keys appear to be solid nickel and have mostly faded to that dull silver look. The neck screw is a replacement however it works great. This Stencil will contain some of the Keilwerth body and warmth, but I think it plays a bit brighter than JK, AND save your pocket book on the price. Come quick! This was rebuilt elsewhere and the pads seal well and have lots of life left. I will go through the sax and tune it up to play great for the next loving home. Comes is a Super Cool vintage, two-tone case! I think it's pretty sweet. (Thanks to my friend, Helen @ BassicSax for identification help!) SOLD Item
#:W Sound File (actual sax!): 1938 Buescher Aristocrat 1, 1967 Buescher 400, 1960 Keilwerth "The New King", 1959 (error1938) Voss ((Dörfler & Jörka)) Sound File (Actual sax!): Buescher BigB325k, VOSS, SML Rev-C #75xx, Buescher TrueTone#205k, OLDS Superstar
1960 "The New King" Julius Keilwerth: This is an older (and the coolest) S# 38k, with the "winged" keyguard. The original Lucite plastic one was broken, but sarge had a Keilwerth metal replacement guard, that he 24carat gold plated to match the sax, it looks great. This model has a darker tone, with good projection; it can shine on ballads or be bop, with the right mouthpiece. Original lacquer, but not much left, maybe 50% counting the lacquer under the keys... maybe the loss of lacquer is why this one has such a beautiful tone. SOLD Item #:WSS Sound File (actual sax!): 1938 Buescher Aristocrat 1, 1967 Buescher 400, 1960 Keilwerth "The New King", 1938 Voss (JK)
1935-7 King Zephyr Alto: Late 1930's King Zephyr alto was King's pro line at that time. Lacquer is original but spotty (not that pretty) with brown and clay colors, at about 60% coverage. These are very strong horns with a medium bright sound, but flexible with different mouthpieces. Serial is # 173,xxx, really nice engraving. It has had our Complete repad with Selmer Style plastic resonators, keywork is nice and tight, no play. We removed a couple dents from the bow and a slight push at the thumbrest and bell to body tube support, otherwise this one was in really excellent overall physical condition. Original case included, in fair shape. If this was around when we started naming them, it may have earned "Ugly Butter": everyone's face changed first, when opening the case, second!, after playing her! WOW what a sweet, sweet, tone! SOLD Item #:WSS Sound file: Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a '36 zephyr, vs a SML Rev D
It arrived with a mix of pads, some on the lower stack were the originals! COOL! I love seeing that. Also it arrived without a case. I will find a great one since this sax deserves it and update the listing when I know more. Price would include ordering a very nice Protec case of your choice. Unless ordered to your custom setup, it will receive a complete rebuild with our "Vintage Standard" set up, Prestini NS tan lambskin pads and flat metal reso's all included for: SOLD Item#:WWS06.50.6231.3-0 Sound File (actual sax!): ALTOs x4 "Blind": Random order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat",
King "Zephyr Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI
1952 King Zephyr Alto:
SOLD Item #:WWS5.09.95.6111.1-0 Sound File: Selmer VI, '53 King Zephyr, B&S "blue label" SOUND
"Blind": Random
order: Dolnet Series-II, 1956 King Zephyr, 1972 Buffet "Super DynAction",
1947 "The Martin Alto"
1965 King Super 20 Alto Saxophone: Serial #411,xxx indicates a 1965 manufacture, in , Ohio (not Eastlake). Brass bell, Sterling Silver neck, with nickel keys / rods and brass key cups. These magnificent horns are well known for the huge sound and power that they bring to an ensemble, and the horns from this vintage are regarded by most as the finest saxes ever made. This particular instrument is in very good condition. Lacquer is original, and about 85% present, looks very nice, vintage. There are a few dents here and there I will do my best to remove, but the pads and action feel very tight and this horn plays well. It will get our Complete Standard Vintage repad with flat resos + rivet, keywork is nice and tight, no play. Currently has Original case included, in fair stinky shape, i might need to find another one :( --i love those vintage two tone ones. REBUILD COMPLETE $SOLD Item #:WSS20. Sound File: Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a King Super 20, vs a Conn 6m(RTH) <click here. Sound File: "Expensive Alto Set": Selmer Mark VI vs. King Super 20 vs. Conn 26M
1967 King SUPER 20 alto:
SOLD Item #:WWS-ConsignOOz
We love connecting to our customers. Here's the new guide to get the ball rolling.
MARTIN: 1928-29 Martin Typewriter, gold plate, matte finish, Alto: #95k, GOLD. Typewriter. Collector's Beauty. Original case to match. $available as of 11/2016 Item #:WWS7.S50.661.6-0
Martin Committee 1, Skyline alto: S# 122xxx on both the body and neck that dates it to appx 1938. Famous for Solid Nickel keywork, soldered on toneholes, heavy walled body, big warm tone. This is a very well done relacquer, with the engravings still looking good, as seen in the pics. It has the Eagle with star and Skyline with searchlights engraving and adjustable thumb rest. Comes with a vintage faux-alligator like case. There are no major dents just a few small ones that i will remove, when i do a complete "Vintage style" rebuild on her (included in the price): still for sale as of 3-9-2015 Item #:WSS SOUND FILE : Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1
1940 Martin Centennial Alto: These are the super cool Martin model--the rarest model they ever made. It was produced for only one year...the "Centennial" celebration to what we can assume was the first saxophone? (1843) ...Hmmm, a bit early. Anyway, these hold some interesting traits for keywork as they were designed as the transition between the Comm II and the Comm III. (Don't ask me how this one dates older than the Comm II. ???) It has one-of-a-kind Key guards, Great/fat/lush tone, nice ergos, C# vent, Serial number 137,xxx. Original lacquer 90% with signs of mild use. It looks great overall and the soft-lacquered keys don't have crazy burns; we will burnish any we find and make it look great, there is some nickel corrosion that we'll be able to minimize too. These are Unique playing saxophones that feature solid nickel keywork and lacquer over the nickel (you can see comm2's with burns from a bad era of techs); Intonation is sometimes also unique up high (Tonehole inserts possibly required), sound is more focused than the later Comm III and it still retains that martin warmth--truly a cross between Comm II and III for sound. it will get a complete rebuild with our "Vintage Standard" set up, Prestini NS tan lambskin pads and flat metal reso's. Original case is the Nicest Martin case I've ever seen with tri-pack features (no clarinet insert), still the orange case with a outside wrap (like Selmer) that has taken the yrs of wear. SOLD Item #:WWS5.50.00.6131.1-0-0
Sound File (Actual Sax): ALTOs
"MARTIN 3-Pack":
The Martin Alto (Comm 3), 1940 Committee II alto(Comm 2), Martin "Centennial
Model" (5:47min)
1940 Martin Handcraft Committee II Alto: Yay, we just got another one. these are hard to offer because they sell fast. Great/fat/lush tone, nice ergos, C# vent, Serial number 140,xxx. Original lacquer 80% with signs of use. Beautiful vertical Martin engraving on entire bell and standing lion engraving too, ornate key guards...etc. upon the first look-over, i don't see any resolders. cool! There is a very minimum amount of dings or evidence of previous ding removal but mostly several small chair dings in the bow, we will burnish any we find and make it look great. it has a slapstick rebuild ....ugh, so we have to tear out everything and start fresh--also will help remove the 'old' smell that soaked into them. These are Fantastic playing saxophones that feature solid nickel keywork and lacquer over the nickel(most comm2's show burn signs from a bad era of techs); i will do a complete rebuild with our "Vintage Standard" set up, Prestini NS tan lambskin pads and flat metal reso's. Original case is pretty nice shape, just stinky on arrival which we will treat it with our special cleaners. SOLD Item #:WWS6.75.11.1221.1-0-0 Sound File: Buescher TrueTone vs. Martin Committee 2 vs. Buescher Aristo series 3 <click here.
Sound File: ALTOs
"MARTIN 3-Pack":
The Martin Alto (Comm 3), 1940 Committee II alto(Comm 2), Martin "Centennial
Model" (5:47min)
1947 "The Martin Alto" (Committee III):
SOLD Item #:WWS5.6E1.00.651.2-0 SOUND
"Blind": Random
order: Dolnet Series-II, 1956 King Zephyr, 1972 Buffet "Super DynAction",
1947 "The Martin Alto" SOUND
"MARTIN 3-Pack":
The Martin Alto (Comm 3), 1940 Committee II alto(Comm 2), Martin "Centennial
Model" (5:47min) SOUND FILE: Here Sarge plays/compares a "The Martin Alto" to a King Super 20 SOUND FILE: Buffet SDA vs King Marigaux SML vs The Martin Alto SOUND FILE: Julius Keilwerth New King, Buffet SDA, The Martin Alto, Buescher 400 SOUND FILE: 5digit Selmer mk vi, vs a Big B vs. a The Martin Alto
1948 "The Martin Alto" (Committee III): Original lacquer showing signs of use but this arrived with sticker intact(COOL!), and looks like a solder repair needed on Eb guard. These have a Great/fat/lush tone, nice ergos. Nice early ser # 169K matches on both the neck and body. Early ones are know for fatter, more resonant tones. The sax is overall in good shape with 80% lacquer. Some small dings will burnish out. CASE: It comes in an original, wood, orange Martin Case in good working order, Latches work and look upgraded! it will receive a complete rebuild with our "Vintage Standard" set up, Prestini NS tan lambskin pads and flat metal reso's all included for: 1699.00 Item #:WWS3.5S0.00.6261.3-0 SOUND
x4 "Blind": Random
order: 1959 King Super 20, Conn 6M "VIII", The Martin Alto, Selmer USA
Omega SOUND FILE: Julius Keilwerth New King, Buffet SDA, The Martin Alto, Buescher 400 SOUND FILE: 1950 Buescher400 Top Hat & Cane, 1947 "The Martin Alto", 1931 Conn Chu (deco), (misspoke, not a '45 B400) SOUND FILE: Buescher 400 "Top Hat & Cane", The Martin Alto, Selmer Mark VI #101k SOUND
FILE: Selmer
Mark VI, The Martin Alto, Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1 SOUND
FILE: 1947
The Martin Alto (Comm 3), 1940 Committee II alto(Comm 2), Martin "Centennial
Model" (5:47min)
1954 Martin "The Martin Alto", Committee III: It arrived in original pads, corks, and brown felts that prove such. (2 pads were changed). #190k dates it to 1954, player/collector's delight, Finish: Gorgeous Original Lacquer. Sticker is intact on the rear tube. It is original lacquer although there are a few runs in the lacquer from the factory. Perhaps there was a new worker that day in 1954. I noticed 1 ding near low C, a minor 'dent' on the backside too. All of this is being picky because the rest of the sax is so pretty! CASE: Original, orange, Martin case in excellent shape to match. SOLD Item #:WWS8.5S0.00.881.6-0
Actually played on by ART PEPPER!!! ...pending photo proofs 1960s Olds Superstar alto: There is a special story about this one. It belonged to a fellow who played side by side Art Pepper and there is rumored to be a Photo to prove this!!! I am in talks with the seller to acquire this photo. Of course, the photo needs to surface to make this sax have the value that it will gain from such. It is a lacquered silver plate. I believe it's a special "german silver" where it doesn't tarnish--as you can see, there are many flakes where the lacquer has worn off. This could easily have some Czech influence but I see Amati/Armstrong traits also, so I would expect some Keilwerth texture to the tone. The pads are very good and I think I will have to leave them to be true to the "Art P" essence. ;) Doesn't Art's spit attract you? haha. The only two bad things to me mention are the broken Eb guard and I will fix that (the correct fix is to high-temp braze the piece back together but this may create some finish damage I'll have to address as the phase 2 repair); also the thumb rest took a pretty hard dent in. I will burnish it out and also the other minor dent on the body tube. The case is in great shape. I plan to do a Sound File before I let this one go. Send me some ideas for what you'd like to hear it compared against. ...SOLD (without the Art Pepper photo proofs. Sorry, none here.) Item #:WWS5.0W0.8151.3-0 Sound File (Actual sax!): Buescher BigB325k, VOSS, SML Rev-C #75xx, Buescher TrueTone#205k, OLDS Superstar
1961 Selmer Mark VI #93k Alto Sax:
1963 Selmer Mark VI alto Sax (high F#): excellent original lacquer at 96%, Ser# 101,xxx, with high F# key!... Negative: previous neck pickup that has since been repaired Excellently (neck tube relacquered, Ser#s match). There is one main dent on the rear tube (above the opt F# guard). It will remove nicely but the finish will show stress). This sax was well-loved by a pro musician; the photos tell that story. Currently, it doesn't have a case. I will help $180.00 towards the purchase of one. You get to help choose! It will receive a complete rebuild with our "French Standard" set up, Prestini NS tan lambskin pads and plastic reso's all included. The #101k technically links it to the craftsmen of the 5-digit serial numbers (up through 110k). That series is running strongly in the 6900-7500 and up to 8500-9300+ nowadays. I'm very happy the neck was repaired so well and factor that in to the lower price: SOLD Item #:WWS30.00.12131.3-0
SOUND FILE (actual
sax!): '63
Selmer Mark VI, '72 Buffet SDA, Couf Superba 1, Buescher 400-Top Hat & Cane SOUND FILE: Buescher 400 "Top Hat & Cane", The Martin Alto, Selmer Mark VI #101k
1969 Selmer Mark VI alto Sax: (special
Consignment -- Plays, rebuild strongly recommended.) PADS: The pads are older (95% might be the original 1969s!) and I would strongly recommend minor repair work instantly and a full rebuild in the near near future. I was able to play it to low D before it starts having resistance. ***I need another photo to show the spot-relacquer on the front side of the sax bow (all around low C). SOLD Item #:WWSspecialconsignment-BYetter Sound File: ALTOs x4 "Blind": Random order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat", '44
King "Zephyr Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI
1972 Selmer Mark VI "Euro" Alto: #199k, Finish: silver plated keys, Original Lacquer body. In excellent condition. I bought this from the original owner. It was well loved as you can see. It will need a full rebuild to fully enjoy. Originally marketed for the European market, these Mark VI's had a different engraving, and also the silver plated keys! LISTING 11/2016 Item:WWS3S1.71.14.9301.6-C0
1973 Selmer Mark VI alto:
SOLD There's always one on Ebay for that AND it likely needs a complete rebuild. Item #:WSS20.0W0.10.711.0-8-10 Sound File: 1970 Selmer Mark VI, 1939 Selmer Balanced Action, 1970 Buffet SuperDynAction, 2007 Yamaha custom 82z SOUND
FILE: Selmer
Mark VI, The Martin Alto, Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1 Sound File: "Expensive Alto Set": Selmer Mark VI vs. King Super 20 vs. Conn 26M Sound File: Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a '36 zephyr, vs a SML Rev D <click here. Sound File : Selmer Super Balanced Action, Mark VI, Buffet Super Dynaction
Sound File (actual sax!): ALTOs
x4 "Blind": Random
order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat", '44 King "Zephyr
Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI
1980s Selmer USA [Professional Omega] alto sax, in silver plate!: ser# 824,xxx. PROFESSIONAL Selmer from the 1980s. Rare Silver plate in 97% condition. These are one of the best kept secrets in the sax world.--pro sax, "selmer", with all the ergos and tone you're after. Most people mistake the "USA" on the bell for the later student-line. Do not be fooled! She arrived with a few missing screws (I will replace with silver ones to match!) Future Rebuild: The specifics are yet to be decided. I would love to plan a Full Rebuild on this one with special pads and/or resonators. I'll shine up all the silver, and help her sing the doors down! Comes with a great Selmer hard case (like the Series I, II, III have) without the leather wrap, although the handles were repaired. Ask me about those. Cosmetic Rating: 9.0 This sax will be a super cool sax! LISTING 11/2011 Item #:WWS11.2E5.77.1131.5-C0 SOUND
FILE (actual sax!): ALTOs
x4 "Blind": Random
order: 1959 King Super 20, Conn 6M "VIII", The Martin Alto, Selmer USA
S.M.L.(Strasser Marigaux Lemaire):
1949 S.M.L. "Revision C" alto sax: Disclaimer: I love SMLs. True to form, this SML has a meaty tone, with a smoky texture! It's more American in tone, and has the French engineering in the keys. SOUND: it's actually a Reserved tone, less bold than the Rev D, and fits into a sultry Combo tone more than lead alto. (HOWEVER, a customer thought his played brighter in the moment, not side by side a Rev D) Serial #75xx, The Rev D is usually more sought after, which had all of the "22 features". The Rev C has most of those from the Rev B changes. The Revision C & D are very different than the Rev B. So... what I'm saying here is this is the [cheap Rev D] option for you. Original Lacquer at 60%, ORNATE Engravings, the lyre holder is no longer present (oh well), but the G# articulator is present!, the sax is in good condition (damage to the lower bow, and minor scratches throughout), good pads that are too nice to tear out-- I'll tune the sax up and make her sing and play easy. Comes with a case--TBD. Cosmetic Rating: 7.5 SOLD Item #: WWST50-5.0W0.11171.5-0-98 Sound File (Actual sax!): Buescher BigB325k, VOSS, SML Rev-C #75xx, Buescher TrueTone#205k, OLDS Superstar
1970 King Marigaux SML alto saxophone:
SOLD Item #:WSS07.0U0.10.1310.5-12-C09 SOUND FILE: Buffet SDA vs King Marigaux SML vs The Martin Alto SOUND FILE: Buffet SDA 1972 vs King Marigaux SML 1970
SML, mid 1960s Stencil [Pitchard] (Gold Medal) Alto sax: #19k would put it at 1965-6 by SML charts, Finish: Original lacquer body & nickel keys, with elements of the Gold Medal design in engraving, and key guards. This sax will prove to be one that perks my interest in research and tone. ***Bias note: I play on an SML Rev D alto. $TBD.00 Item #: WWS7.0E8.35.10121.6-C0
SML 1968-70 Stencil [A. Cojan] Silver Alto Sax:
It will need a fully rebuild to enjoy. Judging by the sheer power/boldness in this model, I might recommend we discuss how to keep the resonators a 'medium' size -- pad upgrades encouraged. ***Bias note: I play on an SML Rev D alto. $TBD.00 ..... I MIGHT WANT TO STASH THIS ONE FOR MYSELF, but that means that I might sell my personal Rev D... Item #: WWS7.6E9.10121.6-C0 SOUND FILE(similar era): Buffet SDA vs King Marigaux SML vs The Martin Alto SOUND FILE(similar era): Buffet SDA 1972 vs King Marigaux SML 1970
VITO: from Chadd's Collection:
I'll have to add more photos soon This was the first sax in a long time that upon my first notes, my eyes lit up like a young sax player all over again. This is not to be confused with the Vito-Yamaha that most people know after the buyout.
2002 Yamaha 62, modern professional alto:
SOLD Item #:WWS7.0P0.00.9241.5-98
Yamaha 62, modern professional alto: Lacquer
body and keys, as much as I tried to keep the repair cost low, I ended up making
basically all new pads (2 were newer) so aside from the 2 pips and the 2 other
pads, It got new pads. that's seriously 400-700+$ worth of work in at that! Yamaha's are known for great intonation; this
one also boasts great ergonomic feel like selmers too. This is not the
"purple Label" logo; it is newer. It arrived with a missing body screw
That I repaired while I re-aligned the bell and now she rocks! This would be a great sax for someone looking to get the best,
modern-pro sax on a mild budget--if you can overlook the minor cosmetic flaws. comes in Nice yamaha hard case. no mouthpiece.
Ser#078274. I've had many great players and lesson
teachers play this one and ALL were very impressed--eyebrows raised.
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