Brilhart ‘Tonalin 4*’ Tenor, 1940s – 0.094″ (Archived)

1940s Brilhart "Tonalin" #4* Tenor

Price: SOLD
  • Make: Brilhart
  • Model:  Tonalin
  • Number: 4*
  • Era:  late 1940s
  • Status: SOLD
  • Ligature: N/A
  • Facing: Original
  • Tip-Size:  0.094"

Huge tip for a 1940s Tonalin! It measures near a modern "6*" at 0.094" and due to the table marking and the tip material, I can't see how this wasn't original. The 4* should have been smaller, but I have seen a bit of inconsistency with plastic Brilharts(less with the rubber ones).

These are from the 1940s! It has first era Arial Font, in a larger font (actually a medium size) and serial # 78,865. I will call attention to the shank crank that is starting (my personal Tonalin has it too). It is all too common on these and can be banded with metal for longevity.

PLAYS GREAT with a little punch.

New bite pad installed over some minor tooth grooves.

Sound Files on Tonalins:
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
