Keilwerth 1970s ‘Armstrong 3070’ Eb Baritone, #73k

1970s Armstrong (Keilwerth) Baritone

Price: $2,099.00!
  • Year:  1970s/80s(~1973)
  • Make:  Keilwerth
  • Model: Armstrong 3070
  • Status:  For Sale
  • Finish: Original finish
  • Serial Number: 73,47x

(On Consignment - Plays good!)

***More info coming soon***

This is the last of the JK stencils from the vintage 1960s design of H&A Selmer, Bundy, and these Armstrong models. They are low Bb designs and strong metal. Ser. #73K dates it to about 1973 if it follows the chronological JK serial dating, but I think some Armstrongs made their way in the 1980s. This model has good ergos compared with other vintage saxes. So when you're after good intonation, solid tone, and good ergos.... these are some of the best you can get for 1) under $3000, but #2) you'll have to give up the Low-A key desire.

PADS/REBUILD: coming soon..

SOUND: The tone is medium warm with all the MIDs to add power and cover many genres. mid-core bark and evenness; not completely resonant like a Buescher/Martin, but not as timid either.

CASE: upgraded to a Protec!($$$)

On other stencils, a pro player and found the metal Berg Larsen mouthpieces were a magical pairing for this sax - tone, intonations etc.

Sound Files to enjoy:
  1. 1.
  2. 2.

Item #: WWWCONCE1W6.8W0.06262.3-C0