Student Outreach
(Under Construction/Future Outreach plans!)
If I could shorten my personal story into an impacting truth, it would go like this:
I didn't have a lot of money growing up and when I got my first "real" sax & mouthpiece, I truly fell in love with music, saxophone, and learning.It's hard to believe where it has taken me thus far.
I hope this page turns into a donation portal where I can invite you to join us in encouraging kids to pursue the positive learning environments of music and saxophones.
Jupiter 669 Alto sax
Our $600.00 Goal Fundraser Bar (currently at 70%)
All money applied to this Jupiter 669 Alto sax will be updated daily.
Donation is planned for _________ of ______ high school!

If you are an educator or parent who who would like to nominate someone from your school, please contact me to see if I can provide a suitable option.
2010 - Sarge & Chadd
We donated our repair services on two saxes for "Sax-o-thon". Chris Hutter donated these to local kids in need and inspired more lifelong sax players.
Glad we could help!
Pictured: Mick Watson (local Sax-o-thon), "Sarge" & Chadd
Christmas 2010
We met up with Mick to hand off the saxes. They were going to a passionate student in the Lake Stevens area. It was a joy to be a part of this effort. (As you can see, it stuck with me to help this become a growing wing of WWS.)
More awesome content to come!