'No Name' Large Chamber Baritone
Sale Price: SOLD
- Make:
- Model:
- Number: N/A
- Era: 1920s-30s?
- Status: SOLD
- Ligature: N/A ...ask
- Facing: Original (now refaced)
- Tip-Size: 0.070"(now 0.080")
A great large chamber mouthpiece made of hard rubber mouthpiece from the golden era. It arrived with original tip at 0.070". Notice the lower walls cutout for comfort - cool!
Now with refacing to 0.080" and 26mm facing length.
Baffle: it is more straight (lower) than a Conn Eagle. low baffle.
REFACING AND PRICING: This tip has a lot of material and I expect it can open up to 0.105" without fear, maybe even further. with that, it leave the option to leave that material acting as a straight or rollover baffle to add more treble and bite to the tone. (See my Whitehall reface).
Price based on refacing work:
$279.00 (Tip <0.085")
$299.00 (Tip 0.085" - 0.095")
$329.00 (Tip >0.095", and/or with custom baffle work mentioned above.)
Item #:WWSL4E1.11091.7-005-C45