Steel Ebonite [Woodwind Co.] SPECIAL Alto Mouthpiece
Price: SOLD
- Make: [Woodwind Co.], Steel Ebonite
- Model: SPECIAL
- Number: "Dick Stabile Facing"
- Era: 1930s-50s?
- Status: SOLD
- Ligature: N/A, Ask
- Facing: Original
- Tip-Size: 0.065"
A unique design: Straight side walls (Brilhart) into a larger throat/chamber than narrows back to bore size. Terrific material. I love all Steel Ebonite mouthpieces and this one is unique at that. This one is near identical to other examples (one that is currently listed) that have the added metal ring at the shank. So that difference is one reason this one is cheaper.
This mouthpiece is currently in original condition and could be opened up if you so desire. Doing so would only be a $50+ addition depending on how far you want it to go. I assume it will be best under 0.075" anyway.
Item: WWSL2W5.0W0.04172.0-C0-004