SOLD - Vintage Buescher TT with good pads + original Buescher large chamber mouthpiece. Won't Last!
About: Chadd Berry
Recent Posts by Chadd Berry
Conn 1923 ‘New Wonder I’ Bb Soprano, Curved, Silver #102,69x (Archived)
SOLD - Silver plated Conn in good condition, keyed to high F(inline), goldwash bell, black rollers and original case.
Conn 1918 ‘New Wonder I’ Bb Soprano, Curved, Gold/Silver, #45,95x
$2,599.00 - Gold body Conn with good pads, keyed to F, original case and includes Noblet mouthpiece.
Conn 1919 ‘New Wonder I’ Bb Soprano, Curved, Nickel #56,41x (Archived)
SOLD - Nickel plate, rebuilt with low playing time, keyed to high F!
Buescher 1924 ‘True Tone’ Eb Sopranino, Lacquer #159k (Archived)
SOLD - rare model, in playing condition with Selmer C* mouthpiece! Lacquer finish and soft case.
Buescher ‘True Tone USA’ Alto, 1930/40s, Tru Lay – 0.057″(Archived)
SOLD - later era Buescher TT, large chamber, vintage hard rubber with a pro's stamp of approval. Classical music slayer.
Brilhart ‘Level-Air 5’ Tenor, 1960s Ser# 3262 – 0.098″ (Archived)
SOLD - stainless steel mouthpiece, original tip, ligature and cap! These have a following for a reason. 098 is a nice tip size worth your consideration!
Other: No Name ‘[Buescher/King]’ Alto, 1920/30s – 0.056″
$89.00 - large chamber, hard rubber, original tip, mellow classical tone. No engraving = bargain price.
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