SOLD - Rare Streamline (thinner) model with in fantastic condition. With AB ligature. Great for the player with alto embouchure; but really for the collector
Otto Link ‘Four **** Model – 4*’ Tenor, (WWS Reface) – 0.099″ (Archived)
SOLD - WWS Refaced - In bare brass finish, this mouthpiece plays big and warm. These have a huge chamber, low baffle and a very reserved, warm tone.
Selmer ‘”Soloist C*”- now F*’ Tenor, 1950s Short Scroll Shank, (Refaced)- 0.095″ (Archived)
SOLD - Won't last! - Great Player! One of the most desired mouthpieces with a modernized tip. Made of excellent quality hard rubber. It arrived with the refacing work done. It has facing length at 25mm.
Selmer ‘”Soloist C*”- now F’ Tenor, 1950s Short Scroll Shank, (Refaced)- 0.090″ (Archived)
SOLD - Won't last! - Great Player! One of the most desired mouthpieces with a modernized tip. Made of excellent quality hard rubber. It arrived with the refacing work done. It has longer facing length at 26mm.
Woodwind ‘Meliphone Special – B5*’ Alto, (Mojo Refaced) – 0.080″ (Archived)
SOLD - Refaced by Mojo. This mouthpiece has straight side walls into a larger throat/chamber than narrows back to the neck bore size. Terrific material. The Mojo reface looks excellent, as always, and his markings are: "46, 080, Mojo +5".
Otto Link ‘Master Link – 4’ Tenor – 0.064″ (Archived)
SOLD - (Reface to be included) Looking for the vintage Coleman Hawkins sound? This is a good start! Warm, Vintage Tone all the way - These have a huge chamber, low baffle and a very reserved, warm tone. Serial number: R86. It arrived with an original tip at 0.064", consider a reface up to 0.080"(modern 5 or so).
Brilhart ‘Tonalin, Great Neck NY – 2’ Tenor, 1940s (Refaced)- 0.073″ (Archived)
SOLD - Looking for a budget mouthpiece? This might be the one (Good repairs, longer life). Plays pretty nice! Great Necks are so cool. They really have an 'it factor' compared to a few mouthpieces. They have a slightly different core tone and response. These are from the 1940s! It has the large font and serial # 55,969.
Brilhart ‘Designed by Arnold Brilhart, Great Neck NY – #1’ Tenor, (RAC Reface) – 0.090″ (Archived)
SOLD - SOUND FILE - Looking for an early Otto Link for half the price!? This is your best option! A research piece!: Serial Number 8803 currently not tracked on Theo Wanne mouthpiece info pages - This mouthpiece may be one of the later ones made (1942+). According to Wanne's current listings, the hard rubber Verson 1 & 2 were made from #7895-7900. Version 2(small font) starting in 1940. This mouthpiece is the small font option. At any rate, it was made about 1942 and was perhaps one of the transition pieces into the "Great Neck" model eara. It is my inclination to say: by the end of the run, you can bet they had figured out how to make them well! aka: this could be a good one. These are one of the best Hard Rubber Mouthpieces ever made. These have a a Nice big sound, medium tone, not too dark, not too bright. The rounded side walls and medium+ chamber are very similar to the Otto Links from the same era. It arrived with an original #1 tip - too small to enjoy. So I visited Bob Carpenter and asked him to open it up as far as we can go, hoping to get to 85-95. It maxed out at 0.090", or comparable to about an Otto Link 6.