SOLD - Originally bought new in a large lot from the 1990s. Note, oddly enough, the ligature is a bit loose to be a good fit.
Medium Chamber - built for "classic Jazz".
[like new, in excellent condition.]
This is NOT like the new ones that are hit and miss. This is a quality Otto Link material and design.
Other: Connetable ‘Metallic – Benny Carter #5’ Alto, (RAC Reface)- 0.072″ (Archived)
SOLD - A huge, large chamber mouthpiece that has a design that reminds me of an Otto Link Master model (plus, the lig has a thick read plate too). It was originally silver plated, as you can see, and I've opted to leave the plating original for now. You are free to request some silver plating. Shank markings: "3 Rue Duperre" ... which may have been the place of manufacturing! ... it is currently an address in Paris that is about 2.5 miles NE of the Eiffel Tower.
Refaced by Expert refacer Bob Carpenter, and final finishing work precision done by Chadd here at WWS. It is a unusually neat mouthpiece. We were glad to save it.
A very easy blower, even with the tip size. It plays with a MEDIUM-warm tone quality, mostly dark with the ability to push it over the top.
Please inquire for additional information.
Item: WWS00.00.11111.7-BC40
Yanagisawa ‘Metal #7’ Alto, Silver – 0.091″(Archived)
SOLD - These are well-loved and respected mouthpieces. This one is marked down from the $200+ pricing for the silver wear.
SOUND: They maintain easy playability with a centered tone that still has controllable power it in.
Comes with replacement, ligature.
Runyon ‘Custom Series #8’ Soprano, Composite – 0.066″
SOLD - A unique Runyon mouthpiece made of a rubber blend. The baffle has a mid-rollover and the chamber shoots into a medium-small round throat. That's geek-talk for: this has a bit of crispness in the projection. I hear that a Rovner 1RXS ligature will fit this mouthpiece.
Conn ‘Eagle’ Baritone, 1920s – 0.070″
SOLD - The original tip is 0.070" right now. Help direct us to how best to size the time to you (It will likely not go higher than 0.105"). Notice the lower walls cutout for comfort - cool! A great large chamber mouthpiece made of hard rubber mouthpiece from the golden era. If you want it closer to original with minor inspections and enhancements, the price will be $229.00
These were commonly paired with New Wonder I or II saxes originally.
Item #:WWSL8E3.11091.7-003
Conn ‘Eagle’ Baritone, 1920s (RAC reface) – 0.104″ (Archived)
SOLD - (My main recommendation for Bass Saxes) a great large chamber mouthpiece made of hard rubber mouthpiece from the golden era. The original tip was refaced by Bob. Notice the lower walls cutout for comfort - cool!
Other: ‘No Name’ Baritone, Rubber (WWS Reface) – 0.080″ (Archived)
SOLD - A great large chamber mouthpiece made of hard rubber mouthpiece from the golden era. Now refaced and opened up to 0.080". Notice the lower walls cutout for comfort - cool! Very Low Baffle: it is more straight (lower) than a Conn Eagle.
Item #:WWSL4E1.11091.7-005-C45
Conn ‘Eagle’ Baritone, 1920s – 0.062″ (Archived)
SOLD - The original tip is 0.062" right now. Large chamber. Notice the lower walls cutout for comfort - cool! A great large chamber mouthpiece made of hard rubber mouthpiece from the golden era. If you want it closer to original with minor inspections and enhancements, the price will be $229.00. I offer this for the more traditional player...or those with less air.
These were commonly paired with New Wonder I or II saxes originally.
Item #:WWSL5E5.11091.7-004