Category Archives: Mouthpieces

Archived Mouthpieces

Meyer ‘5M’ Tenor, 1980s, Rubber (Archived)

SOLD - Here is one from the early 80s with a warm Meyer, jazz tone. original tip is at 0.076". These versatile mouthpieces can bridge the gap between swing, trad and jazz. no special ligature here. "#5, medium chamber, medium facing length"
For cheaper than New prices, I'll inspect and perfect the Seal of this mouthpiece!

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Gregory ‘Los Angeles – 5A 20’ Tenor, 1940s/50s, Ser#9988, Fiber Resin (Archived)

$SOLD - SOUND: Focused warmth and slight edge--from flat sidewalls into round chamber(throat). "Rico Products LTD Distributors" + "Model A". These have a shallow beak that allows the mouthpiece to vibrate freely like Gregorys are known for. TIP arrived measuring very much original 0.078". However, when I look at it, I feel like there was very very minor work done to the tip to help it seal (perhaps). I'll inspect this and make sure it plays awesome. After refacing work here at WWS, the tip measures 0.084".

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Goldbeck & Co. ‘”Superb” #3’ Tenor, 1920s (WWS reface)- 0.092″ (Archived)

SOLD - Nickel plated brass (nickel-silver, some say). These are great mouthpieces! Just refaced here at WWS to 0.092". It is a HUGE large chamber with a huge tone. I left a slight roll-over baffle to add some clarity. it is Classic Jazz all the way. The last one made me think I was Coleman Hawkins on steroids! Seriously! This one has a 10% smaller tip size. I have a working ligature Included.

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Dukoff ‘Hollywood “BD” #7’ Tenor, 1945 Series 1 Silver, Ser# 637, (WWS reface)- 0.096″ (Archived)

SOLD - silver plated brass, Serial #634, beautiful tone. It arrived with silver separating on the table and the corner tip has a bad seal, also a tooth groove that I had Bob Carpenter fill in to repair. It walked in Original at 0.093", but the repairs were required. I repaired/refaced it to 0.096" and silver plated the repairs and table. A superb Player! medium chamber makes this the Type A (of 2; so, the older model). You will want to try this one!

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