Category Archives: Mouthpieces

Archived Mouthpieces

Goldbeck ‘”Superb” #2’ Alto, 1920s (refaced)- 0.065″ (Archived)

SOLD - These are 1920s vintage mouthpieces with a dark tubby tone, from a large chamber. They have fluted sidewalls on the exterior that had special ligatures (very hard to find)--the got lost, bummer. Their design and sound is very similar to the early Otto Link Master models. The composite is interesting, something between silver and brass. Tip opened to a size of 0.065". No ligature, notice the lack of tooth pad design, we'll include a cushion if you'd like to play. Most buyers like these to strictly look at though.


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Conn ‘Eagle’ Alto, 1930s (RAC refaced) – 0.079″ (Archived)

SOLD - Recently back from a refacing by Bob Carpenter to a 0.079" with a 19mm facing. Bob marked his etching on the table too ("RAC")! A great hard rubber mouthpiece that will give you a warm full sound--It would have been originally paired with a Conn Chu. A large chamber on this one. Bob and I helped enhance the gold 'eagle' script.
NOTE: the original facing was "0.078" as it was inscribed. But a nick happened in the tip and BOB had to repair it. It now measures 0.079"

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Conn ‘Eagle’ Alto, 1920s/30s (RAC refaced) – 0.080″ (Archived)

Sold - Vintage hard rubber from 1920/30s. Originally it was paired with a New Wonder . It has a large Chamber and I just had Bob Carpenter open it up to 0.080". It plays really easy. I would say it sounds typical of a stuffy, vintage tone but after Bob's work, it can cut through in the high register--still not as loud of a mpc as others. no ligature.
SOUND FILE (Actual Mouthpiece!): "Conn Early Lineage": Wonder vs Wonder II (Chu) vs 6M Naked Lady


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Buescher ‘Pickle “Emblem”‘ Alto, 1910s/20s (refaced) – 0.069”

SOLD - $99.00 - Vintage hard rubber from 1920s(perhaps earlier). It has been refaced (elsewhere?) to tip size @ about 0.064". I THINK THIS COULD BE A SWEET SWEET PLAYER! It has a very large Chamber and that traditional 1920s stuffy tone but add in the high tones from the reface. no ligature, but ask me. (remind me to enhance the tip seal)

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