SOLD - Large Chamber Tenor Mouthpiece, rich and dark tone.
Morgan ‘Excalibur – 6-L’ Tenor, New – 0.090″ (Archived)
SOLD - Large Chamber Tenor Mouthpiece, rich and dark tone. "L" Chamber is almost the darkest option. This particular mouthpiece was a play-tester favorite in the mix... IT factor.
Morgan ‘Excalibur – 6-FL’ Tenor, New – 0.090″ (Archived)
SOLD - Large Chamber Tenor Mouthpiece, rich and dark tone.
Conn ‘Eagle’ Soprano, 1920s – 0.051″(Archived)
SOLD - Buy it as is or have it refaced - A sought after Conn Eagle mouthpiece. It arrived with an original tip at 0.051". It has a small shank repair that barely shows. It has a large chamber that often helps intonation needs on old sopranos.
Woodwind ‘Special – Made For Dick Stabile’ Alto – 0.065″ (Archived)
SOLD - Straight side walls (Brilhart) into a larger throat/chamber than narrows back to bore size. Identical to others yet without the metal shank band, thus cheaper.
Otto Link ‘Super Tone Master – 7-‘ Tenor, 1990s (WWS reface)- 0.099″ (Archived)
SOLD - A nice, used STM now refaced to help improve seals and curve. It was originally a 6* and not it is about 0.099" or about 6** or better said: "7-". I leveled the table, helped set the curve, leveled the tip seal, reset the baffle and will do some replating to seal the brass.
Bamber ‘Jazz Model’ Tenor, 1990s Rubber – 0.087″ (Archived)
SOLD - It's a nice jazz tone with a centered focus yet round warmth. Sounds like a mix of a Meyer crossed with Otto Link rubbers.
Couf ‘Artist 4*R’ Alto, 1980s Rubber – 0.078″ (Archived)
SOLD - A modern era Couf mouthpiece set. Still made of great, hard rubber it has a side walls into a medium chamber.