Category Archives: Archived

Archived Inventory

Buescher 1920 ‘True Tone’ Eb Baritone, Silver Plate #96k(Archived)

SOLD - Here's another early TT model ser.#96k, in excellent 93% silver plate, light Goldwash bell (faded). Keyed to high Eb, thus no Front F key, no spit value either on this era, these old saxes are known for their woody tone. It's a buescher thing. If you want true vintage 20's (or earlier) tone, you have to get a buescher or conn. This sax did not have snap in pads. This frees up the new owner to customize the resos to your liking without being concerned about damaging the original body. CURRENT PADS: are newer with plastic resos. The neck looks ok too. Some resolders on the neck joints are present, the most silver wear is on the upper U-joint. Good, hard case.

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