Sound Files

Sound Files

The WWS Sound File Archives

Tip #1: MOST IMPORTANT: Use Large Speakers!
Tip #2 : Don't judge our playing too harshly.

Sound File Collection:

The categorized collection, with Audio Player embedded, where our newest updates are added


MISC Audios

WWS Sound File Archives

Archive link style listing of older WWS Sound Files. For the categorized prettier Audio Player: see above links.

New Sound File 2-2016: ALTOs x4 "Blind": Random order: 1959 King Super 20, Conn 6M "VIII", The Martin Alto, Selmer USA Omega

New Sound File 1-2016: ALTOs 5x:

New Sound File 8-2015: ALTOs "Conn 6M Set x3": Conn 6M's (RTH): '34 #261k, '37 #282k-VIII, '42 309k-VIII-"U.S."

New Sound File 5-2015: ALTOs x4 "Blind": Random order: '51 Buescher 400 "Top Hat", '44 King "Zephyr Special", '37 Conn 6M-VIII, '70 Selmer Mark VI

New Sound File 5-2015: ALTOs x 4 "Blind": Random order: Dolnet Series-II, 1956 King Zephyr, 1972 Buffet "Super DynAction", 1947 "The Martin Alto"

New Sound File 3-2015: ALTOs "MARTIN 3-Pack": 1947 The Martin Alto (Comm 3), 1940 Committee II alto(Comm 2), Martin "Centennial Model" (5:47min)

New Sound File 8-2014: ALTOs: Buescher 400 "Top Hat & Cane", The Martin Alto, Selmer Mark VI #101k

New Sound File 6-2014: ALTOS: '63 Selmer Mark VI, '72 Buffet SDA, Couf Superba 1, Buescher 400-Top Hat & Cane

New Sound File 1-2014: ALTOs file: 1950 Buescher400 Top Hat & Cane, 1947 "The Martin Alto", 1931 Conn Chu (deco), (misspoke, not a '45 B400)

New Sound File 8-2013: ALTOs file: 1970 Selmer Mark VI, 1939 Selmer Balanced Action, 1970 Buffet SuperDynAction, 2007 Yamaha custom 82z

Sound File 5-2013: ALTOs file: 1938 Buescher Aristocrat 1, 1967 Buescher 400, 1960 Keilwerth "The New King", 1959 (error 1938) Voss ((Dörfler & Jörka))

Sound File 4-2013: ALTOs file: Julius Keilwerth New King, Buffet SDA, The Martin Alto, Buescher 400

Sound File 3-2013: ALTOs file: Buffet S1, Buffet (SDA) Super Dynaction, Buescher Top Hat & Cane

Sound File 12-2012: ALTOs file: Conn Chu, JK New King, Dolnet II 

Sound File 11-2012: Altos file: Selmer Mark VI, The Martin Alto, Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1

Sound File 8-2012: Altos file: Selmer Super Balanced Action, Mark VI, Buffet Super Dynaction

Sound File 5-2012: Altos file: Conn 6M, Buescher Big B, Martin Committee 1

Sound File 4-2012: Altos file: Selmer VI, '53 King Zephyr, B&S "blue label"

Sound File 2-2012: Altos file: Buffet SDA 1972 vs King Marigaux SML 1970

Sound File 1-2012: Altos file "Conn Early Lineage": Wonder vs Wonder II (Chu) vs 6M Naked Lady

Sound File 8-2011: "Expensive Alto Set": Selmer Mark VI vs. King Super 20 vs. Conn 26M

Sound File 6-2011: Conn26M(not rebuilt) vs. vintage Yamaha62 vs. Buescher BigB

Sound File 2-11-11: Here's a new Altos file: Conn 6M "viii" vs. Couf Superba 1 vs. Mark VI

Sound File:  Here's a new Altos file: Buescher TrueTone vs. Martin Committee 2 vs. Buescher Aristocrat series 3

Sound File:  Here's a new Altos file, Chadd playing a "Conn Set": Conn Chu vs. Conn 6M(RTH) vs. Conn26M Connqueror

Sound File:  Here's a new Altos file: Buffet SDA vs King Marigaux SML vs The Martin Alto

First, Sarge playing Cool...

a Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a '36 zephyr, vs a SML Rev D <click here.

AND Second, Chadd playing Hot...

a Five Digit selmer mk vi, vs. a King Super 20, vs a Conn 6m(RTH) <click here.

AND Here's where I play/compare a Martin "The Martin Alto" to a King Super 20  <click here.

SOUND FILE: a 5digit Selmer mk vi, vs a Big B vs. a The Martin Alto <click here.