Work Queue
... the archive of major work orders, Past & Present
Now booking for 2025- a 50% Deposit is required to get in line.
7/1/25 - Slot Open
4/1/25 - Conn 10M Tenor Sax: Customer's horn gets a Premium Rebuild (TBD) thin tan pads and Natural cork throughout. Agha
3/1/25 - King Zephyr Tenor Sax: Customer's silver horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with Black Roo pads, Acid Bath cleaning, oversized Resos and Natural cork throughout. Pearson
1/15/25 - Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer's horn gets a Premium Selmer Rebuild, Black felts, Tan pads with Tech cork, Synthcork & Teflon upgrades. Peterson.
12/21/2024 - 1/3/2025 TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S BREAK
11/23-27/22 THANKSGIVING TIME OFF (US Holiday)
9/10/24 - STUDENT PRIORITY - School Prep
9/10/24 - King Super 20 Tenor Sax: WWS Inventory horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with Tan pads, Nylon Resos and Natural cork throughout, + Premium upgrades. Esterly
7/15/24 - Selmer SBA Alto Sax: Customer's horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, reusing Selmer Metal Resos, Black felts, Tan pads and Natural cork throughout. Rogers
2/1/24 - Conn NWii "Chu Berry" Alto Sax: Customer's silver horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, Selmer-style Nylon Resos, Black felts, Tan pads and Natural cork throughout. Nearing IN PROGRESS
DATE TBD - Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k, Crosby, (customer delays)
12/21/2023 - 1/3/2024 TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S BREAK
11/22-11/26/2023 THANKSGIVING TIME OFF (US Holiday)
11/1/23 - TBD - Selmer Mark Vi Tenor: Customer's sax returns for 70% Rebuild, acid bath treatments with natural cork throughout. Birks COMPLETE
10/1/23 - Conn NWii "Chu Berry" Alto Sax: Customer's silver horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, Selmer-style Nylon Resos, Black felts, Tan pads and Natural cork throughout. Nearing IN PROGRESS
9/1 - 9/15/2023 SCHOOL PREP - Student Priority
8/1/23 - Conn 11M Baritone: Customer horn, Low A bari, for shipping damage repairs to neck curl. Wysham. COMPLETE.
6/1/23 - Leblanc System Tenor: WWS Consignment inventory sax #494 gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, Green felts, Prestini pads and Natural cork throughout. Wright COMPLETE
5/12/23 - Yamaha YBS-52 Baritone: Customer's horn damaged (dropped) repair to body damage, neck curl, dents, solders, body alignment. Song. COMPLETE
4/11/23 - Dave Guardala "New York" Tenor : Customer's black nickel horn damaged in shipping, bell alignment repairs. Sharp. COMPLETE
3/31/23 - Leblanc Model 100 Alto: Customer's Rationale System horn gets a speed repad reusing the screw in snap system resos. Haber. COMPLETE
3/23/23 - Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer's horn gets an emergency 1/3 Rebuild for gigging pro. Birks. COMPLETE.
3/14/23 - Conn 30M Tenor: Customer's horn for tune up and neckstrap relocation. Gottsman. COMPLETE
3/10/23 - Weltklang Baritone, Low A: Customer's silver horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, black felts, Extreme Black Roo pads & metal domed resos, with natural cork throughout. Balk. COMPLETE
11/23-27/22 THANKSGIVING TIME OFF (US Holiday)
10/10/22 - Conn New Wonder I C-Melody: Customer's horn #88k gets a PC maintenance and key height matching to 2nd horn(previous rebuild). Nelson - Complete
9/1/22 - 9/15/22 SCHOOL PREP - Student Priority
8/10/22 - Conn New Wonder I C-Melody: Customer's horn #111k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, Red felts, Prestini pads and Natural cork throughout. Nelson - Complete
6/11/22 - Selmer Mark VI baritone, low Bb: Customer's horn gets a Premium Rebuild, black felts, Black Roo pads & Nylon resos, with Tech and Synth cork throughout; Acid bath and CUSTOM cosmetic upgrades. Threlkeld. Complete
5/5/22 - Selmer Cigar Cutter Baritone: Customer's horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild, black felts, tan pads & flat metal resos, with natural cork throughout. Myers. Complete
4/8/22 - Conn 11M Baritone Sax: Customer's Low A Conn gets a Full Rebuild, lots of dent work, neck fittings, and resurrecting love. more work TBD. Wysham. Complete
1/10/21 - Conn New Wonder II Chu #211k Tenor Sax: WWS Inventory Sax CUSTOM "Hotrod" get MAJOR FABRICATION + Restoration with Selmer style key upgrades. Rebuild with White roo pads and oversized (WWS SUPER) silver Resotech resonators. Lepage. Complete
12/2/21 - King Saxello Soprano: Customer horn receives a full PC/COA, bath, oils, polished. Rogers. COMPLETE.
11/25-28/21 THANKSGIVING TIME OFF (US Holiday)
11/1/21 - Conn New Wonder II Chu #243k Tenor Sax: Art Deco Chu Sax scouted for customer gets a vintage standard rebuild with Tan Pads, (TBD corks), and (TBD felts). Malang, Complete
10/5/21 - 1920s Conn Curved Soprano Sax: Customer's horn receives a alignment rebuild(1/2 rebuild) with nylon resos and green felts; also Spring work and custom repairs. Coyle. Complete.
9/10/21 - STUDENT PRIORITY - School Prep
9/10/21 - Buescher True Tone Alto Sax: WWS Consignment inventory horn #155k with factory custom guard gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. Jones. Complete.
8/20/21 - King Zephyr Tenor Sax: Customer horn #325k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads and flat metal resonators with natural cork throughout. Nearing. Complete
7/18/21 - Selmer USA (164) Tenor Sax: WWS Scouted horn for Customer #825k Receives MATTE RESTORATION with Black kangaroo Roo Pads and plastic resonators for a warm, lush sound; and natural cork throughout with Premium touches. Elliot. Complete
6/16/2021 - The Martin Alto Sax: #164k WWS Inventory listing get a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer with Prestini pads and natural cork throughout. Tostevin. Complete
2/25/2021 - Martin Handcraft Baritone Sax: Customer Horn Receives Rebuild - details TBD; B.W.Works. Complete
1/25/2021 - Martin Committee II Alto Sax: WWS Consignment inventory #135k gets a full Vintage Rebuild for customer with Tan pads and flat metal resos and TBD fabrication repair. Bertrand. Complete
12/21 - 1/2/2021 TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS BREAK
12/5/2020 - SML King Marigaux Soprano Sax: Customer's horn #23k gets a Custom Restoration to the finish & a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural corks throughout & red felt; Resos TBD. McClellan. Complete.
11/26-27/20 Thanksgiving (US Holiday)
11/1/2020 - SML Gold Medal Tenor Sax: Customer's horn #23k gets a 50% Repad with natural corks throughout & red felt; Resos TBD. McClellan. Complete.
8/29/2020 - Buffet SA18-20 Alto Sax: Customer's horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural corks throughout & red felts, and reinstalling original resonators. Treckeme. Complete.
8/1/2020 - King Zephyr Special Alto Sax: Customer's silver horn gets a Vintage Standard Repad with natural corks throughout & white felts; with seamless flat resos on White roo pads. Raniwala. Complete
6/30/2020 - Keilwerth Tone King Tenor Sax: Customer horn receives a full repad with Saxgourmet Roo pads Extreme & Brass spun Resotech resonators. Balk. Complete.
6/18/2020 - Silver "The Martin Tenor" Sax: WWS inventory #178k gets a full rebuild for customer with White Roos pads and gold domed resos, and gold bell plating. Talley, Complete.
5/20/2020 - The Martin Baritone Sax: WWS Inventory receives major dent work for customer. Complete.
5/1/2020 - Major PC: Keilwerth Baritone restore: major dent work restoration on customer sax with bell & body damage. Kipp, In Progress.
4/18/2020 - Major PC: Customer tune up on four-horn collection. Nearing, Complete.
3/13/2020 - Conn Chu-10M transitional Tenor Sax: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural corks throughout. Honn, Complete.
3/11/2020+ COVID-19 (Schedule Impacts to local and world suppliers)
3/4-11/2020 - SHOP CLOSED
2/14/2020 - Vito Alto Sax: Customer's horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural corks throughout. White. Complete.
1/7/2020 - Martin Magna Tenor Sax: Worldwide Sax horn #208k receives a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Tan Pads, Black felts, and Over-sized Silver Resotech resonator upgrade for customer. Quickel, Complete.
12/21 - 1/5/2019 TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS BREAK
Thanksgiving (US Holiday)
11/5/2019 - Schenkelaars Alto Sax: Customer's collection sax gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural corks throughout. Mendez. Complete.
9/17/2019 - Conn 6M Alto Sax: Customer's sax #260k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork and red felts. Mieczkoski, Complete.
9/2019 - STUDENT PRIORITY, all month.
9/6/2019 - Silver Conn 6M Alto Sax: WWS Inventory sax #251k gets a Full Rebuild with Black Roo pads, seamless flat resos, natural cork and black felts. WWS, Complete.
8/19/2019 - Conn 30M Tenor Sax: Customer horn receives a Premium Rebuild (with White Roo pads and over-sized, gold plated Resotech resonators. Ortiz, Complete.
7/11/2019 - Buescher "Big B" Tenor Sax: WWS Consigned-inventory sax receives a vintage Buescher standard rebuild for customer. Buescher Metal backed pads, natural cork, neckstrap ring repairs, green felt. Pearse. Complete.
7/3-5/2019 - SHOP CLOSED - U.S. Independence Day!
6/30/2019 - Buffet SDA/S1 Transitional Tenor: WWS inventory #22,3xx sax gets a vintage rebuild for customer. Gifford. Complete.
6/6/2019 - Conn Chu Alto Sax: Customer's sax #244k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork and red felts - Paci, Complete.
5/16/2019 - Buescher True Tone Soprano Sax: Customer's horn gets a full rebuild. Pad Setup: shellac in Black Roos with original snap resos. Nigro, Complete.
4/30/2019 - Buescher "Big B" Alto Sax: WWS inventory sax receives a vintage standard rebuild for customer. Mazor, Complete.
4/15/2019 - Selmer USA TS100 Tenor Sax: Customer's Sax #826k receives a full rebuild with natural cork. Kohler. Complete.
4/2/2019 - Martin "The Martin Alto" Alto: WWS horn #174k gets a full rebuild. TBD. Talley, Complete.
3/27/2019 - Buescher TT series 4 heavy tuneup and install original Buescher pads for customer. Nigro. Complete.
3/20/2019 - Yanagisawa Bronze 992 Soprano: Customer horn receives a WWS Standard Rebuild with tan pads and gold plated domed resonators. Keen. Complete.
3/2-12/2019 - SHOP CLOSED
1/30/2019 - Selmer Reference 54 Alto: Customer's horn receives WWS Premium Rebuild with Black Roo pads and factory resonator setup. Keen. Complete.
1/17/2018 - King Zephyr Baritone Sax: Worldwide Sax horn #295k receives a Vintage Standard Rebuild with loving dent repairs and "Acid+" treatment. Bauman. Complete.
1/5/2018 - Conn 10M Tenor Sax: Customer horn #266k receives an upgraded Rebuild with Black Roo Pads, Custom Resonators.... details TBD. Nordmann. Complete.
12/21 - 1/5/2019 TIME OFF - CHRISTMAS BREAK
12/15/2018 - Buescher "Big B" Baritone Sax: Customer horn #340k receives a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with loving dent repairs and "Acid+" treatment. Davenport. Complete.
11/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
11/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
10/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
10/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
9/1/2017 - 9/30/2017 ... Back-to-School Customers
8/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
8/2018 - LIMITED AVAILABILITY - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
6/20 - 7/5/2018 - TIME OFF - Shop relocating into the Seattle market!
5/2/2018 - Selmer Mark VI Alto Sax: Customer's horn #193k receives a Vintage Selmer Rebuild with plastic resos & tan pads. Zeidner. Complete.
3/2-3/11/2018.... Tax Prep; Shop Closed. No Appointments or Rebuilds.
2/16/2018 - Conn "Chu Berry" Soprano Sax, Gold Plate: WWS horn receives a vintage rebuild with custom, brass Resotech resonator upgrades. Morimoto, Complete.
1/30/2018 - Selmer Balanced Action Alto Sax: Customer's horn receives a Premium Vintage rebuild and full spring replacement, & lacquer preservation treatment. Harris, Complete.
1/15/2018 - "The Martin Tenor" Sax: WWS sax on consignment receives a 50% Rebuild for Customer. Short, Complete.
1/7/2018 - KSC Alto Sax: WWS intermediate sax receives a 50% rebuild for customer. Vintage Standard setup to match. Campbell, Complete.
12/24/17 - 1/2/2018 ... Holiday Break; Shop Closed
12/15-23/2017 ... Christmas Prep
12/10/2017 - Major PC work on customer horn, Balk. Complete
11/14/2017 - - King Super 20 Silversonic Tenor: Customer horn #376k gets a Premium Rebuild with Black Roo pads, and solid sterling Resotech Resonators with premium corks, felts, ultrasuede throughout. Smith. Complete.
10/23/2017 - Martin "The Martin Alto" Alto Sax: WorldwideSax inventory #169k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads and 50% resonators. Countryman, Complete.
10/1-7/2017 ... Shop Closed
9/15/2017 - Conn New Wonder II, Chu Berry, Art Deco, Tenor Sax: WorldwideSax inventory #243k gets a True Restoration to the cosmetic finish. Rebuild planned with White Roo pads and Resotech resonators. WWS, Complete.
9/1/2017 - 9/20/2017 ... Back-to-School Customers
8/28/2017 - Martin Indiana Alto: Customer horn #72k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout (thin pads, 50% resos). Smith. Complete.
8/1/2017 - Buescher Aristocrat 1 Baritone Sax: WWS horn #276k gets a Buescher Standard rebuild, with Premium upgrade and shellac-in pads for customer. Fancovic, Complete.
7/11/2017 ... Time Off
6/16/2017 - Selmer Mark VI Tenor Sax: Consignment listing #108k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Tan pads with custom, vintage (WWS stash) Selmer metal domed oversized resos. Clark. Complete.
6/6/2017 - Conn 6M Alto Sax: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer, resos as Flat Metal, with rivet. Croasdale. Complete.
5/21/2017 - Selmer Mark VI Alto Sax: WWS horn #199k gets a Premium Rebuild with cork upgrades throughout, on Saxgourment black roo pads and larger (selmer copy 50%+) domed Pisoni nickel plated resonators. WWS, Complete.
5/15/2017 - SML Rev. D Alto Sax: Customer horn #14k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer, and Larger (SML at 50%+) resos as Flat Metal, with rivet. Warm, Complete.
4/27/2017 - Buescher "True Tone" Gold Plated Bb Soprano: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Standard Rebuild and chemical treatment to the vintage case. Franden, Complete.
4/25/2017 - Martin "The Martin Tenor" Sax: WWS inventory #202k gets a Premium Rebuild on Tan pads and Large flat metal resos. Attention focused on cosmetic preservation. WWS, Complete.
4/10/2017 - Conn "26M" Alto Sax: Worldwide Sax horn #269k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer Plus extra attention to re-engraving and plating, pearl upgrade. Keen, Complete.
3/29/2017 - Conn "Chu Berry" C-Melody Sax: Customer horn #152k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild. Wodjenski, Complete.
3/16/2017 - 3/28/2017 ... SHOP CLOSED - Maintenance/TIME OFF
3/7/2017 - 3/15/2017 ... Open for appointments/rebuild work.
2/28/2017 - 3/6/2017 ... SHOP CLOSED - Maintenance/TIME OFF
2/20/2017 - Buescher TT Bass: WWS/Customer sax #145k. A WWS Inventory sax to be restored for customer. Setup Thick pads, oversized Resotech brass flat resos, and premium love throughout. Pearson, Complete.
2/10/2017 - Buescher "Big B" Alto: Customer horn #325k gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild. Cole, Complete.
1/22/2017 - Conn Transitional 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #246k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer Plus extra attention to gold plate restoration. Yasutaka, Complete.
1/10/2017 - The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout, replace missing key, and "Acid Bath +" treatment. McCarthy, Complete.
1/3/2017 - King Zephyr Tenor, Silver: Worldwide Sax horn #358k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with brass Resotech resonators, and customer repairs to octave key and C1 guard. (custom parts may alter timeline). Koch, Complete.
1-5-16 Conn 10M Tenor: Worldwide Sax horn #349k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer, and neckstrap moved. Long, Complete
1-25-16 - "The Martin Alto": Customer horn gets a Full Standard Rebuild with tan pads and natural cork throughout, Hurwitz, Complete
2/5/16 - 2/17/16 Gold Restoration, Martin Typewriter alto: Customer horn returns from plating to get assembled and put together! I can't wait! Hurwitz, Complete
2-25-16 King Zephyr Alto:Worldwide Sax horn #322k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer.Chant Complete
3-16-16 Nickel plated CONN 6M alto:Worldwide Sax horn #249k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer.Griffin, Complete
5-9-16 Buescher "Big B" Silver alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout, repair octave trigger too. Dickson, Complete.
5-15-16 Gold plated Conn "Artist" Wonder alto:Worldwide Sax horn #117k gets a Premium+ Rebuild with blended cork throughout for customer. Donnelly, Complete
5-26-16 KING SUPER 20 ALTO: Worldwide Sax horn #367k gets a Special Rebuild with Black Roo pads, premium upgrades, for customer. Martin, Complete
6-20-16 Conn C-Melody: Customer sax #97k. Customer sax gets a WWS Rebuild with Black Roo pads, and 50% flat metal resos, and new stainless springs. Mattina, Complete
7-10-16 Silver Restoration - Aristo 1 Tenor: Customers sax returns after plating for assembly. Havenfield, Complete
8-4-16 Original Lacquer CONN 6M alto: Worldwide Sax horn #279k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with natural cork throughout for customer. Leung, Complete
11/1/16 SML Reynolds Contempora Tenor: WWS horn gets a Sarge Premium Rebuild with black roo pads, Silver Resotech resonators, Premium corks and felts for customer. Felix, Complete
4-1-15 Silver Bundy Special Baritone: custom help for a customer horn. shipping damages. (non rebuild) JOHNSON, Complete
4-12-15 Buescher Silver C-Soprano: customer sax #155k Crosby
4-19-15 King Zephyr Special Alto: WWS horn gets Rebuild with upgrades for a customer. Keen, Done
5-9-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn, Dize, Done
6-1-15 Buescher Big B Alto: Customer horn, Nordmann, Done
6-13-15 H. Genet Tenor: WWS Horn for Customer, Meyers Done
6-19-15 Martin Committee 1 alto: Customer horn #116K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Hodgson, Done
7-20-15 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn #147K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with reused resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Harned, Done
7-29-15 Conn Chu Berry Tenor: Customer horn #236K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Parashes, Done
8-15-15 King Super 20 Alto: WWS horn #427K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50% resos, natural cork throughout for a customer. Rarden, Complete
9-5-15 Conn Chu-tranny Tenor #166k: WWS horn #166K gets Standard Vintage Rebuild with 50%+ resos, natural cork throughout for a customer--no silver polishing. Donnelly, Complete
10-15-15 SML Rev. D tenor: WWS horn #9K gets Custom Rebuild with gold resotech resos, premium upgrades for a customer.Uchiya Complete
10-29-15 1919 Buescher Curved Soprano: WWS horn #61K gets a Vintage Rebuild with seamless,. metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. McInnis, Complete
11-15-15 1956 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: WWS horn #65K Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos, and natural cork for a customer. Nik, Complete
12-5-15 Special Orders:Christmas prep...
12-12-15 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Buescher Rebuild with natural cork throughout--Jan 2 pickup. Reynolds, Complete
Dec. 22, 2014 - Jan. 2, 2015- HOLIDAY BREAK
1-16-14 Buescher TrueTone Baritone: customer horn #224k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout, acid bath and clean up work. CantraelDone
2-4-14 Buescher Tenor:Customer horn #13k gets TLC and Buescher Standard Setups for customer. Balk Done
2-24-14 Buescher Big B alto: Customer horn gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with Snap-in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. StrassmaierDone
3-1-14 Buescher "The Aristocrat" series 1 Tenor:WWS horn #278k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Gore Done
3-10-14 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Low-A Baritone: Consignment horn gets a Custom Rebuild with tan pads, resotech resos, natural cork throughout with some premium upgrades for customer. Vitale Done
3-24-14 Conn Chu Berry Alto: Customer horn gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout. Miranda Done
On-going '14 side projects: King Saxello, WWS horn #76k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, and some Premium upgrades, Done
4-14-14 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn #183K gets a WWS Vintage Standard Rebuild with Prestini Pads and natural cork throughout, spring replacements.Vogelgesang, Done
5-9-14 1980s Vito Low-A Baritone: Customer horn gets a WWS Rebuild with tan pads, large metal resos, natural cork throughout.ASD Done
5-29-14 "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #158k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild, body metal cleaning, Tan pads and flat resos with natural cork throughout for a customer.McDonaldDone
6-5-14-Side schedule: Julius Keilwerth Tone King Tenor: previous WWS sax returns for cosmetic work and tune-ups. Silver spot plating and Goldwash bell.Balk DONE
6-10-14: "The Martin Tenor": WWS horn #187k gets Vintage Rebuild with black roo pads, custom resotech resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Axton In Progress
6-25-14: Selmer New Largebore, gold plated Tenor: WWS/customer horn #13k gets Vintage Rebuild with original metal resonators, natural cork throughout and some premium upgrades for a customer. Maxwell Done
7-2-14 Buescher Big B alto: WWS horn #328,1xx gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap-in pads, natural cork throughout for a customer. Bertrand Done
7-12-14 Selmer Mark VI Alto: WWS horn #101K gets Vintage Selmer Rebuild with original plastic resos, custom Premium upgrades, natural & tech cork throughout for a customer. Lindberg Done
7-22-14 Selmer Super Action 80 series II alto:2004 customer horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roo pads, tech cork, ultra suede etc... and silver Resotech resonators for a customer.Simonishvili Done
Sept./ Oct./Nov. 2014
1-7-13 Conn 10M, silver 1945 Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout.Smith Done
1-10-13 Buescher 400 alto:WWS horn gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. Done
1-18-13 SML Rev D Alto:Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with oversized flat resos, Natural cork throughout and acid bath. PearsonDone
1-29-13 The Martin Baritone: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild for customer with vintage standard resos and tan pads. Bogle/Ryba Done
2-21-13 King Zephyr Tenor #308k: WWS horn gets Vintage Rebuild with seamless flat resos and Black Roo Pads! WWSDone
3-1-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306k gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout. WWSDone
3-13-13 1960s Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic resonators.Adams Done
3-25-13 1952 Selmer Super Balanced Action Baritone Low A: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators.Hanan Done
4/1--4/7/13 - TIME OFF
4-29-13 Buescher 400 TH&C alto: WWS horn #306,44x gets Vintage Buescher Rebuild with snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-2-13 King Silversonic Tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators.Gifford Done
5-16-13 Martin Imperial Baritone: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and metal resonators; and new blue steel springs.Johnson Done
6-1-13 The Martin Alto:WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
6-18-13 Conn New Wonder Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and flat metal resonators. Fisher Done
7-1-13 Silver Conn 6M VIII alto: WWS horn #314k gets new GOLD plate in bell and a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer. Balk Done
7-11-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan Prestini pads and plastic domed resonators. Backman Done
8-7-13 The Martin Tenor, Official Musicman Model:
WWS horn #214k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Black Roo pads, seamless flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer.McKeirnan Done
8/19/13--8/30/13 Two weeks School Prep
9-1-13 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets new springs BackmanDone
9-2-13 Conn C-Soprano: WWS horn #117k gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with flat resonators +50%, and natural cork throughout for customer. LindbergDone
10-3-13 Buescher Tipped Bell Bb Soprano: WWS horn #204k gets a Buescher Standard Rebuild with snap in pads, and natural cork throughout for customer. Zax Done
10-15-13 Conn Gold C-Melody: WWS horn gets a prepared for customer.Lindberg Done
10-29-13 The Martin Alto:WWS horn #163k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout. Done
11-1-13 Selmer Mark VII alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with plastic resos and natural cork throughout. Rachmiel Done
11-21-13 Selmer Mark VI Tenor 205k: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild on Saxgourmet Roo Pads with seamless domed metal resos at 60%+ and natural cork throughout, also some neck repair. Coile Done
12-10-13 Conn Curved Soprano: WWS horn #57k gets Vintage Standard Rebuild tan pads, flat resonators and natural cork throughout for customer.Eberhard Done
12/22/13--1/1/13 - TIME OFF - Xmas Break
1-3-12 Conn Gold Artist "Harp" alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. Seward Done
1-17-12 Buescher Big B Tenor: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout.Williamson Done
2-1-12 SML Rev D Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout, + custom key fabrication. Heine Done
3-8-12 The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer.Gillette Done
3-16-12 Buffet Super Dynaction Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. CroasdaleDone
3-28-12 Conn baritone: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Tarvin Canceled
3/29--4/16/12 TIME OFF
4-26-12 Martin Committee I Alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with prestini pads and natural cork throughout for customer. Lindberg Done
5-10-12 Buffet SDA Alto #18,7xx: WWS horn gets Premium Rebuild with Saxgourmet Black Roo pads with Noyak resonators for customer. Sheedy Done
5-31-12 Silver/nickel The Martin Alto: WWS horn gets vintage standard rebuild with new stainless steel springs, Rose-gold wash bell. KrauseDone
6-21-12 Silver The Martin Tenor: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer plus custom thumb hook, post repairs.Evans Done
6-27-12 The Martin Tenor, Official Music Man Model:WWS horn gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with Saxgourmet Roo Pads. Tuncel Done
7-3-12 Selmer Super Balanced Action Tenor:gets Premium Standard rebuild for customer with tan pads and domed metal resos50%+. Maxwell Done
7-13-12 The Martin Tenor: Customer horn gets a Premium Rebuild with prestini pads and seamless flat resos, and custom work. Leisenbach Done
7-27-12 B&S Blue Label alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer and custom pearls installed.Incorvaia Done
8/2--8/5/12 TIME OFF
8-6-12 Buescher "The Aristocrat" alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher rebuild with original snap-on pads and natural cork throughout.Complete
8-10-12 Selmer Balanced Action alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with stack swedging and screw replacements and minor fabrication. Suhling Done
8-22-12 Silver Conn Chu Alto: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild (premium) for customer, with neck octave key work and swedging throughout.Hayes Done
9/1--9/12/2012 School Prep
9-13-12 Conn 6M viii alto:WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout and case solving. O'Brien Done
9-28-12 Gold Plate SML Rev D Tenor: WWS horn gets The Sarge Special rebuild (Premium) for customer, with gold plated domed Resotech resonators on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Ester Done
10-12-12 Silver Selmer " Model 26" Tenor:Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with neck repair and oversized flat resonators with rivet. Verver Done
10-31-12 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Saxgourmet Roos with original resos. Premium? Spring Replacement?. JohnsonDone
11/3--11/14/12 TIME OFF
11-16-12 Conn Virtuoso Deluxe C-Melody 8M:Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with White Roos for consignment sale.Emmons- Catalano Done
11-23-12 The Martin Alto:Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout.Machin Done
12-6-12 Conn 10M Tenor:WWS horn gets Vintage Standard rebuild for customer with natural cork throughout. Ruud Done
12-17-12 Conn Artist Soprano in gold plate:Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild Natural cork throughout and Saxgourmet Roo pads.Woodmancy Done
12/21--1/2/13 TIME OFF Christmas Break
1-1-2011 H.Couf Superba 1Tenor: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith Pisoni rivetless dome metal resos. Thaut Done
1-4-11 1938 Buescher Aristocrat series 1 Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap-in Rebuild with natural cork throughout. WWSDone
1-19-11 1940s Buescher Aristocrat Alto: Customer's alto neck gets pull-down repair and dents removed. Garcia Done
1-19-11 Conn "tranny" Chu alto: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout and Sherry Huntly Engraving. WWSDone
1-28-11 Conn 6m alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with natural cork throughout. HarfordDone
2-5-11 King Super 20 alto - pearls: WWS horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with premuim extras. WWS Done
2-22-11 King Super 20 tenor - pearls: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Noyak resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads. Atkinson Done
2-23-11 Buescher 400 Tenor 429K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Buescher Snap In rebuild. WWS Done
3-10-11 Conn Gold C-Soprano 98K: WWS horn gets a rebuild for customer with silver Resotechs to be gold plated & Premium Upgrade. Gast Done
4-7-11 King Super 20 tenor --full pearls: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. SargeDone
4-14-11 Conn Chu tranny tenor: Customer horn gets a Vintage Rebuild with oversized Resotech resos on Black Saxgourmet Roo pads and a Premium Upgrade and New stainless steel springs. Mattina Done
4-21-11 Buffet S-1 Tenor: Sax gets a Vintage Rebuild with premium extras and seamless flat resos. SargeDone
5-10-11 Vintage YAS-62 purple label: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos. Tebo Done
5-13-11 Vintage Dolnet #24K: WWS horn gets a French Standard rebuild with Flat Metal resos. WWS Done
5-19-11 Selmer Mark VI alto: Customer horn gets aSilver Restorationwith a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and full Spring Replacement. Zax Done
6-3-11 Selmer Mark VI Tenor: Customer horn gets a French Standard rebuild with plastic dome resos and swedging. Layer Done
6-20-11 Silver Buescher TrueTone IV Alto: Customer horn gets a Vintage Standard rebuild with Buescher Snap In Pads. Tarvin Done
7-1-11 King Saxellocustomer horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild. Zax Done
7-15-11 Silver Conn curved Soprano: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild after chemical Lacquer stripping, for customer.Luchtan Done
7-29-11 Silver Conn 26M alto: WWS horn gets Rebuilt and some much needed TLC. WWS Done
8/7/11--8/13/11 TIME OFF
8-15-11 1935 Conn 10M tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer.
Oleru Done
8-16-11 The Martin Tenor 1953: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild. Neilo Done
8-29-11 King Zephyr alto: WWS (OS) horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. harrson/KellerDone
9-1-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-10-11 Maintenance & School Prep
9-20-11 Martin Committee II alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild.Siboliban Done
10-1-11 Martin Committee I alto: Customer horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild + a new custom screw rod.Siboliban Done
10-18-11 Martin Committee III "The Martin alto": WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer. ZinkDone
11-1-11 H&A Selmer Bundy Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild for customer with domed metal resos for customer. Snowhill Done
11-13-11 Mark VI alto: Silver RestorationReturns from Andersons. Customer horn gets a with a French Standard rebuild with Metal dome resos and full Spring Replacement with Rose Gold Plating Accents. Zax Done
12-6-11 Buescher Big B Baritone: WWS horn gets Vintage Standard Rebuild with metal-backed pads and natural cork throughout.Aaberg Done
12/22--31/11 TIME OFF
4-13-10 Gold Plated The Martin Soprano 64,xxx: Done
4-18-10 Silver The Martin Tenor 184K "USMC": Done
5-7-10 Buffet SDA Alto 18K: Done
5-14-10 Armstrong Low A Baritone: Done
5-25-10 Conn 10M: Done
5-28-10 Martin Committee 2 Alto: WWS Done
6-1-10 J. Keilwerth 1934New King Alto: Nickle plated Done
6-11-10 The Martin Alto: Done
6-17-10 Silver Buescher Big B: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos for customer. Done
6-24-10 1948 Conn 6m Naked Lady: Done
7-2-10 Buescher 400 Tenor #505K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith Prestini rivetless dome metal resos. WWS Done
7-8-10 1928 Silver Conn Chu Alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with flat metal resos.DONE
7-20-10 King Super 20 Alto #415K: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith flat metal resos. WWSDone
7-28-10 Conn 6m: customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith flat metal resos. Done
7-28-10 1945 The MartinTenor: WWS horn 153K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild with Seamless Domed resos. WWS Done
8-5-10 Buescher Aristo "156" Tenor #338K: Done
8-12-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuildwith Presini pads, some Premium upgrades, minor fabrication work, and some plating restorations. Done
8-13-10 1972 Selmer Mark VI alto #208K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads and natural cork throughout.WWS Done
8-27-10 1940 Conn 26M alto: Customer horn gets a Premium Vintage Rebuildwith White Roos & Seamless Flat resos. Done
9-7-10 1952 King Zephyr Alto: WWS horn 328K gets a Standard Vintage Rebuild.WWS Done
9-23-10 Buescher Big B Tenor #322K: WWS horn gets a Standard Buescher Rebuild with Buescher snap in pads and natural cork throughout for customer.Done
6-17-10 Silver Buescher Aristocrat #280k: Silver plated WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done
10-15-10 1960s LeBlanc Rationale Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuild with Presini pads.Sarge/WWS Done
10-22-10 1953 SML Rev D #10K: WWS horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuildwith Presini pads for customer. Done
10-26-10 1940 Martin Comm 2 alto: Chadd horn gets a Vintage Standard Rebuildwith Presini pads, some Premium upgrades for customer. Done
11-4-10 Buescher Aristocrat Alto #345k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuildwith original metal resos. WWS Done
11-4-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Tenor #317k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuild with original metal resos. WWS Done
11-18-10 Silver Conn Chu alto: Customer horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith flat metal resos. ChildsDone
12-2-10 Buescher Big B Aristocrat Alto: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Buescher snap-in Rebuildwith original metal resos. WWS Done
12-14-10 The Martin Tenor #208k: WWS horn gets a Standard Vintage Rebuildwith flat metal resos and rivet center. WWS Done
12-17-10 Nickel Conn Chu Tenor: WWS horn gets a Vintage French Standard Rebuild with plastic resos. WWS Done