Berg Larsen ‘130-1-M (offset)’ Tenor, Straightbill Stainless, (Refaced)- 0.119″ (Archived)

Vintage Berg Larsen 130-1-M(offset) Straightbill Stainless Tenor

(*Arrival photos above)

Price: SOLD
  • Make: Berg Larsen
  • Model:   Straightbill
  • Number: 130-1-M
  • Era:  1950s-60s
  • Status: SOLD
  • Ligature: Yes, original + cap
  • Facing:  Non-Original~, 23.5mm facing length
  • Tip-Size:  0.119" WWS Enhanced/minor repairs

A super loved and sought Berg 130 (with the "M" off to the right, which is older style than the centered facing length markings). On arrival: the tip measured a low at 0.115" with the 23.5mm facing length. The tip seal was not even and needed some work to enhance the response and repair the final curve. The corner edge showed a refacing mark on the inner rail that was there on arrival leading me to think there was some refacing work done. It's safe to say that someone did some work on this Berg to save it ... from something or for some reason. I have no problem with that; we should all be happy for the soul who worked on stainless steel! Due to the work, and now no longer original, consider this a rare, good-playing, at a bargain price!

WWS Refacing work was focused on the tip and final 20% of the tip rail and facing curve. Now measures 0.119" at the tip. Facing length is shorter (typical of larger tips) at 23.5mm. Perhaps more accurately you could label this mouthpiece at [ 124-1-SMS ] --As Berg's actual tips were -0.005" from the stamped number anyway.

Free Blowing at 0.119"!

Original curved machine marks are visible on the table; add in the offset stamp and this is from the early vintage era dating. As well and ligature style, and cap style. CAP: there is a hairline crack in the tip edge of the cap, fyi.

It plays loud, rather easy, and it responded well for my Java 2.5 reeds for the response that I prefer. It comes with an original ligature and cap. It's not a tip for the faint of heart. I expect this to be a mouthpiece that matches your unique playing style and air needs.
