"THE BUESCHER" Bb Soprano:
Price: $SOLD
- Make: Buescher
- Model: "the Buescher"/emblem era
- Serial: N/A
- Era: 1920s
- Tip-Size: 0.059"
- Facing: Bob Carpenter Reface, 18mm length
- Status: Sold!
Hard rubber mpc. Buescher from the 1920s. Bob Carpenter did work on this one in conjunction with myself, and now it's a Tip size @ 0.059 with 18mm facing length. This one did have a sneaky crack up the beak. Bob will glued that back together and I'll discount the mouthpiece. Comes with original silver ligature and cap.
SOUND: sweet and warm. Not for cutting and being loud.
Item: WWS0.00.1101.4-0-B50C10