Julius Keilwerth ST-90 Tenor
Price: SOLD
- Year: 1990s-2000s
- Make: Keilwerth
- Model: ST-90, series 1
- Status: SOLD
- Finish: Lacquer
- Serial Number: 870,1xx
Here's a great used, one-of-my-favorite, not-thrashed models! New in the last 10yrs-ish, serial #870,1xx, newer construction, gold lacquer throughout! No high F# but a great tone! This model has the real pearls, which makes it either the Series I or III(there's not a known dating to really know; I would guess Series 1) . I've seen some of these hold their own with some pro saxes just in the tone. These have very comfortable, modern keywork and should not hinder any student getting started. Comes with good case and mouthpiece.
Cosmetic condition rating: 8.5
Minor PC repairs needed - pending.
- 1.TENORs-STUDENT-1244-ST90-YTS23-575AL5:25
Item #:WWS0E4.7E6.00.2211.7-C0