Santy Runyon (SR) Red Plastic Tenor Mouthpiece
Price: SOLD
- Make: S. Runyon
- Model: SR Series (darker)
- Number: 6
- Era: 2000+?
- Status: SOLD
- Ligature: Original!
- Facing: Original
- Tip-Size: 0.091"
A Red Runyon mouthpiece made of the famous red plastic; with the aluminum shank re-enforcement (later era). The baffle has a unique design with a small step, and the chamber shoots into a medium-small round throat.
SR series are said to play darker, but I have yet to test this - the baffle design does not look "dark" to me.
- "SR" Series = Darker (This example)
- Custom Series = Brighter
The ligature is original and in good working order.
Sound Files: .... none currently.
Item #: WWS4W0,0W0.03152.4-C0