SOLD - Original tip at 0.072", looks good just that vintage-green rubber look. very minor nicks in the tip that are NOT affecting the seal. These are similar to 40's otto link in tone and much cheaper! currently no ligature, sorry. Chamber with size walls.
About: Chadd
Recent Posts by Chadd
Dukoff ‘D7- Miami, FL’ Alto, 1970s, original box – 0.077″
$675.00 - (please inquire) David Sanborn lovers need to contact me! Comes with original Box, Ligature and cap! It arrived needing minor work on the table and tip seal; I did that and play-tested it. Now a near-original tip @ 0.077". It is a free-blowing mouthpiece with booming altissimo. Inspected and perfected!
Conn ‘Eagle’ Alto, 1930s (RAC refaced) – 0.079″ (Archived)
SOLD - Recently back from a refacing by Bob Carpenter to a 0.079" with a 19mm facing. Bob marked his etching on the table too ("RAC")! A great hard rubber mouthpiece that will give you a warm full sound--It would have been originally paired with a Conn Chu. A large chamber on this one. Bob and I helped enhance the gold 'eagle' script.
NOTE: the original facing was "0.078" as it was inscribed. But a nick happened in the tip and BOB had to repair it. It now measures 0.079"
Conn ‘Eagle’ Alto, 1920s/30s (RAC refaced) – 0.080″ (Archived)
Sold - Vintage hard rubber from 1920/30s. Originally it was paired with a New Wonder . It has a large Chamber and I just had Bob Carpenter open it up to 0.080". It plays really easy. I would say it sounds typical of a stuffy, vintage tone but after Bob's work, it can cut through in the high register--still not as loud of a mpc as others. no ligature.
SOUND FILE (Actual Mouthpiece!): "Conn Early Lineage": Wonder vs Wonder II (Chu) vs 6M Naked Lady
Conn ‘Standard “Steelay”‘ Alto, 1930s (Archived)
SOLD - Vintage hard rubber from 1930s. COOL! a "U.S. Navy" engraved side wall! It has a large Chamber and Original Tip @ 0.054" -- Let's reface that! I would say it sounds typical of a stuffy, vintage tone but after
Buescher ‘Pickle “Emblem”‘ Alto, 1910s/20s (refaced) – 0.069”
SOLD - $99.00 - Vintage hard rubber from 1920s(perhaps earlier). It has been refaced (elsewhere?) to tip size @ about 0.064". I THINK THIS COULD BE A SWEET SWEET PLAYER! It has a very large Chamber and that traditional 1920s stuffy tone but add in the high tones from the reface. no ligature, but ask me. (remind me to enhance the tip seal)
Buescher ‘Pickle “TrueTone”‘ Alto, 1920s Tru-Lay 55/812/M – 0.054” (Archived)
SOLD - Vintage hard rubber from 1920s. It has the original tip size @ about 0.054". It will play nicer with a Lavoz Medium, and poorly with a 2.5 reed so stick to #3 or greater. It has a very large Chamber and that traditional 1920s stuffy tone, narrow beak. no ligature, but ask me. Refacing possible( +$). (remind me to finesse the current facing and seal.)
Buescher ‘TrueTone’ Alto, 1940s/50s – (WWS reface) – 0.068″ (Archived)
SOLD - Vintage hard rubber from 1940s/ has a large window for the reed! cool! Also the large large chamber and I enhanced the tip up to 0.068". It plays really easy. I would say it sounds typical of a stuffy, vintage tone. no ligature, sorry.
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