Recent Posts by Chadd

Berg Larsen ’80-3-M’ Alto, 1970s (refaced) Scoopbill Stainless (Archived)

SOLD - A 1970s era Scoopbill with dropoff chamber & made of Stainless Steel. This one arrived after being altered to sub-par standards. You can barely see the curved machine marks on the table that go left to right. Just back from Bob Carpenter who repaired it back to a much improved playability...tip @ 0.085". It has a stick-on guard (blue) to prevent ligature wear. no ligature, sorry. Nice Berg sound--Deep, Loud w/o shrillness. Why buy new models at 170?


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Otto Link ‘Tone Edge 6*’ Baritone, Modern rubber

SOLD - A modern hard Rubber, medium chamber, and lower baffle mouthpiece. I can inspect the table and do minor refacing adjustments to create excellent seal. Just ask. Tip at 0.101" (compare to a Selmer C* at 0.080), These have a focus and good core suitable for many jazz players. ask me about a ligature. I have some Rovners, +$15. Compare New at $140.00.

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Other: ‘”Ideal” R3’ Baritone, Rubber – 0.070″ (Archived)

SOLD - "Ideal" R3 baritone: Hard Rubber, medium-large chamber mouthpiece. Tip at 0.070" (compare to a Selmer C* at 0.080), These are nice Classical mouthpieces. The "ideal" mpc on the sound file is only a "3" (not R3). "R" = their larger chamber. This is one that I would offer a Bob Carpenter reface for $60 more if you need to sculpt it to you liking. Sorry, no ligature.

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