Category Archives: Mouthpieces

Archived Mouthpieces

Yanagisawa ‘Metal – #9’, Soprano, Silver (Archived)

Yanagisawa #9, silver metal Bb Soprano [content_box custom_class="block_1"][row][span8] Price: $SOLD [/span8][/row][/content_box] [row] [span4][caret_list] Make: Yanagisawa Model:  metal Number:  9 Era: 1990s/2000s [/caret_list][/span4] [span4][caret_list] Tip-Size:  0.071" Facing:  Original, WWS Enhanced Ligature: No - Sorry, but ask. Status: Sold! [/caret_list][/span4] [/row] [hr] [gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="4765,4764,4763,4761,4762"] [hr] [spacer] silver plated brass, with a nice #9 (!!!) arrived with original tip at…
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Selmer ‘Metal Scroll “D”‘ Soprano, Silver (Archived)

Vintage Selmer scroll "D" Bb soprano [content_box custom_class="block_1"][row][span8] Price: $SOLD [/span8][/row][/content_box] [row] [span4][caret_list] Make: Selmer Model:  Scroll, metal Number:  D Era: 1960s+ [/caret_list][/span4] [span4][caret_list] Tip-Size:  0.052" Facing:  Original, WWS Enhanced Ligature: No - Sorry, but ask. Status: Sold! [/caret_list][/span4] [/row] [hr] [gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="4747,4746,4745,4744,4743,4742,4750,4749"] [hr] This is a very well-loved soprano mouthpiece. It is silver plated brass and in…
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Selmer ‘S80 – D’ Soprano, modern – 0.052″

99.00 - Hard rubber, focused sound, easy response. It's a bit aged (green) but in good condition. Legit for concert band but able to cross genres too--square chamber mpcs. It arrived with factory 0.050 (incorrect for "D")...Tip will measure ~0.052" after I clean up the seal. It will play great. Sorry no lig or cap...yet.
Item #:WWSL0W0.12071.6-002-C15

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Other: ‘[Sil-Vae-Lay] + Composite’ Bb Soprano (WWS Reface) – 0.052″(Archived)

SOLD - Metal table and chamber, composite body and tooth pad. -- semi-rounded(thick table) inner chamber into a Medium Chamber Throat. It arrived with tiny factory tip (0.024!)and damage. WWS had refaced the tip to: Tip measures 0.052". Don't forget the tighter shank on the neck cork like an early Buescher. Now has good seal and plays great! Currently no ligature yet. SOUND: Crisp, clean and focused. Item: WWS0E0.00.1271.6-C60

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