Woodwind Co. ‘New York “K6″‘ Tenor – 0.081”

The Woodwind Co. - New York, hard rubber tenor

Price: $349.00
  • Make:Β Woodwind Co.
  • Model: New York
  • Number: K6
  • Era:Β 1930-1950s?
  • Status: For Sale
  • Ligature:Β N/A
  • Facing: Original
  • Tip-Size:Β 0.081"
These are some of my favorite mouthpieces - when they have the large chamber, which this one does!

Terrific material and good classic design. Large chamber makes for a big vintage sound. It arrived with the original tip and these are worth refacing to the next level. I've had so many wonderful examples at 0.095-110" tip sizes.

SOUND: These get robust and fat with the tip increased. the original tip keeps the roundness in the tone, but limits the volume.

Inquiry more for refacing desires and schedules.

Sound File... Coming soon!
...I need to show you how big these can be!...
