Sound Files - Baritone Mouthpieces
- Type: Baritone Mouthpieces
- Models: See Track Title
Please enjoy these files. For a fast trick, use "CRTL-F" {find} on your computer to scan for a sax.
- 1.BariMPCs-4x_Ideal70_WWb6-78-WW-NY-B55:30
- 2.BariMPCs-NoName_Rubber_105_france _baritone-Bass_RAC-Reface _vs_Selmer_Soloist_Cstar_long_shank_110_WWSreface, _on_Selmer_SBA_Bb_bari-featuring JosephW Sound File 10-20242:37
- 3.BariMPCS-Gale,s80D,Link6-,Meyer6M,Br5:17
- 4.BariMPCs-Tonalin-Martin-Buescher1:53
- 5.BariMPCs-Berg-Ponz-Conn-Tonalin3:31
- 6.BARITONEs x3 MPC: The Martin Baritone sax. These are all hard rubber and difference is huge, between a Yamaha 4c, a Buescher "Pickle" and a Martin Slimline, Sound File 4-20102:18
- 7.BARI-HABundy,TMB1:15
- 8.BARITONEs 4x & MPCs 2x - Aristocrat1, BigB, Grassi, Jupiter JBS-8937:19