Brilhart Personaline S4 Tenor:
Price: SOLD
- Make: Brilhart
- Model: Personaline
- Number: S4
- Era: 1940s-50s
- Status: For Sale!
- Ligature: N/A
- Facing: near near Original (WWS)
- Tip-Size: 0.077"
A great mouthpiece with quality hard rubber from the golden era. no serial number, no special tooth pad. It arrived with a near Original tip at 0.077". (WWS enhanced the very tip to seal smoothly with an adjustment that would trick the pros; 0.0001-.0005") Let's talk about making a Reface happen to your liking! Please ask me about a ligature if you need one.
Description: " a [short "E"], horizontal table, hard rubber, short boat, long shank"
I am doing some history research on Brilhart and will post photos to help with dating-proofs that are no where else online! WOW! This piece is helping unlock and document history!
Hint: This is a early Brilhart due to special markings