Otto Link 'Master Link' #4 Tenor
Price: SOLD
- Make: Otto Link
- Model: Master Link
- Number: 4, #R86
- Era: early 1930s
- Status: SOLD
- Ligature: No, ask.
- Facing: Original (order a reface?)
- Tip-Size: 0.064"
Looking for the vintage Coleman Hawkins sound? This is a good start! Warm, Vintage Tone all the way - from the vintage era of the early 1930s and made in New York, a metal mouthpiece that is not loud and bright. These have a huge chamber, low baffle and a very reserved, warm tone. Serial number: R86.
It arrived with an original tip at 0.064", and I think it can reface to open it up more, but it may only get up to 0.080"(modern 5 or so). There is a chance it could go further and I can link Bob Carpenter into that.
Sound Files on "Master Link" with variable tip sizes:
- 1.TenorMPCs-OTTOLINKS_Master96_4star885:00
Item: WWSConJL0S1.5S0.03201.9-0C