1980s Selmer "USA" [Professional] TS100 Tenor
Price: SOLD
- Year: 1987-90
- Make: Selmer
- Model: USA Omega 164/TS100 (~1986-93)
- Status: SOLD
- Finish: Original Lacquer
- Serial Number: 826,49x
CASE: original hard case in good+ shape, hard wood rectangle style.
Serial #826,49x, Original lacquer finish at 75%. It was worked on to 'ok playing' condition and I want to have you help make it your own. It had lost the pants guard--I found and installed the proper replacement & foot.
A bit of historical discussion(with added sax forum research): Arguments over the true Omega Model 162 alto (164 as tenor) saxes (note that "Omega" nor "162" nor "AS100" was ever engraved on the saxes) may be different than the AS100 models that followed. The main noticeable differences were the engraving change, the high F# change from brass to pearl, and the thumbhook from brass to plastic. From there the AS110 changed the Front F from pearl to a teardrop. Earlier models #820k-#823k, somewhere in the ~#824,xxx these changes appeared.(LINK) There is also a plausible case for a change in lacquer hue on the non-silver models.
Discrepancies for needed research: a fellow claims to have had a pearl F# on his #821K bought in 1984 (LINK). Perhaps the original Model 162 Omega was only a brief set of numbers - or perhaps there was some overlap! How long did the Omega/AS110 run go?... the chatter suggests about #829K(I've seen 0,830K) and thus until about 1993. The oldest serial number that I have seen anyone claim a #0,830K sax from this run; it was a tenor - AND note that it had a "0" placed before the numbers! = "0830307" (also seen listed/sold through CEWinds). (All of this should be expected to apply to the tenor versions, Model 164 and TS100)
Item #:WWS1E2.9S5.3161.6-990C