Selmer ‘S-80 C*’ Tenor, Modern Rubber – 0.066″

Selmer S-80 C* Tenor

(May not be actual photos)

Price: $115.00 ... ON TRIAL
  • Make: Selmer
  • Model: S-80
  • Number: C* (C)
  • Era:  1980s-2000s
  • Status: SOLD ON TRIAL (DC)
  • Ligature: N/A
  • Facing: Original*
  • Tip-Size: 0.066"
Hard Rubber mouthpiece from the 1980s/90s/00s. These are well known & loved by teachers. They have a very clean, focus to the tone. square chamber. They are a worthy 1st Step-up mouthpiece. I always try to keep a few on hand for students: $95-$135. Or you can buy them New for $179.00. Cosmetics may vary, ligatures may vary.
Original Tips are normally at 0.072". Good for legit or orchestra work.
(Feel free to ask if I have one in stock. I like to keep some of these around and they come and go very often.)

Tip @ 0.066" Closer to a "C", cosmetically faded [C+] ...cracked shank, needs a band. Ask me.
