Category Archives: Mouthpieces

Archived Mouthpieces

Morgan ‘1-C hard rubber’ Soprano, (WWS Reface) – 0.052″ (Archived)

Bilger-Morgan (1-C) hard rubber Bb soprano [content_box custom_class="block_1"][row][span8] Price: SOLD [/span8][/row][/content_box] [row] [span4][caret_list] Make: Bilger-Morgan Model:  N/A Number:  1-C Era: N/A [/caret_list][/span4] [span4][caret_list] Tip-Size:  0.052" Facing:  WWS Reface Ligature: No - Sorry, but ask. Status: Sold! [/caret_list][/span4] [/row] [hr] [gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="4713,4712,4711,4710"] [hr] ser#8647, and I refaced it to a Tip @ 0.052".The tip had some nicks…
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Conn ‘Connstellation #3’ Soprano – 0.055″ (Archived)

here's a hard to find mpc from the late 60s, These were made with facings 1(closed) -- 6(open) but only three sizes for Soprano--2, 3, 4. This with the original tip at 0.055", tip and rails in great shape. there is one minor mark in the table(minor), the table shows the vertical striations. It has a large round chamber, made of a 'new' hard rubber material, plays nice with a centered, mellow tone. The script is in very good condition too. *shank = tight, like old bueschers. so it requires a thin neck cork. Item: WWS0.00.8151.1-0

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Buescher ‘Pickle – Emblem’ Soprano, 1920s (RAC Reface) – 0.059″ (Archived)

Hard rubber mpc. Buescher from the 1920s. Bob Carpenter did work on this one in conjunction with myself, and now it's a Tip size @ 0.059 with 18mm facing length. This one did have a sneaky crack up the beak. Bob will glued that back together and I'll discount the mouthpiece. Comes with original silver ligature and cap. SOUND: sweet and warm. Not for cutting and being loud. Item: WWS0.00.1101.4-0-B50C10

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Buescher – Sigard Rascher Bb Soprano (archived)

Sigard Rascher Soprano [content_box custom_class="block_1"][row][span8] Price: $SOLD [/span8][/row][/content_box] [row] [span4][caret_list] Make:  [Buescher] Model:  Sigard Rascher Serial:  N/A Era: 1920s [/caret_list][/span4] [span4][caret_list] Tip-Size:  0.063" Facing:  WWS Reface Status: Sold! [/caret_list][/span4] [/row] [hr] [gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="4676,4675"] [hr] hard rubber mpc.  This one is a modern approach to the Buescher "pickles" from the 1920s. I must assume…
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Otto Link ‘Super Tone Master – 6*S’ Tenor, FL-Double Band (WWS) – 0.099″ (Archived)

SOLD - A super RARE marked "6*S" - Full Package: Box, ligature and cap! ...on arrival, an improper tip measurement at 082", now a 0.099"!!! (or a Link 6**) It arrived with an improper curve and tip size. Between Bob Carpenter and myself doing a duos worth of the refacing work, this will be a superb player once we are satisfied. Under close inspection, we knew it was our duty to bring this baby to life! All repairs were sealed with silver & gold plating.

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Conn ‘Eagle’ Soprano, (RAC Reface) – 0.067″ (Archived)

Here is a rare and sought after Conn Eagle mouthpiece. It arrived with an original tip at 0.044" but was damaged with a chip. So I will send it off to Bob Carpenter to save it and make it play excellent. It just arrived and is @ 0.067". It has a medium-large round chamber and is made of hard rubber. Item: WWS0.00.11201.3-0BC30

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