Located in Tukwila, Washington - U.S.A.
Recent Inventory
Other: Arta Guban 1970s/80s ‘Luxor Solo’ Bb Tenor, #674k
$849.00 - From Chadd's Collection: I am really fascinated by this sax. There are so many ornate features! It has some of the most elaborate tube…
Conn 1964 ’10M’ Bb Tenor, #E12k
$1,199.00 - An affordable 10M previously serviced by WWS; upgraded case! These are incredibly undervalued, yet are great for budget-friendly needs, backup horns, and strong…
Selmer 1952 ‘Super Balanced Action’ Eb Baritone, Low A, #49k
$14,999.00 - An ultra rare vintage bari WITH low A & a deluxe WWS Rebuild: Premium Upgrades + Gold plate Resotech resos!
Buescher 1950 ‘400 – “Top Hat & Cane”‘ Eb Alto, #333,79x
$3,199.00 - Original lacquer TH&C with a WWS Rebuild (2013) and minimal use! Original Case, Snap in pads & resos too!
Selmer 1960 ‘Mark VI’ Bb Tenor, GOLD #86,295
$17,999.00 - Brecker era Mark VI with gold plate upgrade. 100% pro level horn.
SML 1972 ‘Gold Medal II’ Bb Tenor, Silver #23,07x
$2,999.00 - SALE - Clean, straight, and in excellent condition! a rare SILVER plate model, no engraving on a late GMii model. Good pads a…
Featured Sound Files
- 1.ALTOs-Selmer-MarkVI-212k-Pierret-Super-Artiste-1010-The-Martin-Alto-164k-SOUND-FILE-5-2023-Jamie-on-Meyer-6M2:35
- 2.TENORs-4xKeilwerths- The New King #47k, Tone King #55k, Tone King Special #53k, Couf Superba 1 #79k - MPC Berg108-2-SMS - Sound File 6-2020
- 3.TenorMPCS-5x_Tonalin5-085,_Ebolin3star-074,_Tonalite3-GreatNeckNY-072,_PersonlineS4-077-rubber,_Selmer-S80-Cstar-074,_Sound File 4-20167:04
- 4.SOPRANOs-Conn1924WonderI_Yani-Buescher400-VIcopy1981_Buffet-SA18-20_1940s50s-28896:02
- 5.TENORmpc--x6_DG_BLm110_BL110_Pnz_Duk5:50
- 6.LIGATURES_x118:03
- 7.TenorMPCs-OTTOLINKS_Master96_4star885:00
Want more? See: Sound Files for hundreds of other audios!
Major Restorations
Sadly, "Major Restorations" are on taking a pause for this season. But the memories are inspiring and joyful! See more of our MAJOR RESTORATIONS within OUR FINEST section!
The kind words from our clients:
Gilles L. – Conn “Hotrod” Chu – Tenor, Custom Mods – from Ontario, Canada
My god this horn makes awesome sounds. I settled on a 10mFan Celebration 7*. It is a great mouthpiece but really sings…
Dave T. – Selmer Mark VI – Baritone, Torch Restoration – from Texas, USA
I have no idea how you nailed the look I asked for. You are a true craftsman. _________________________________ This was an…
J. Elliott – Selmer USA – 164 Tenor, Matte Restoration – from Boise, Idaho, USA
The work that Chadd did superseded any original expectations that I had... I really liked the fact that Chadd had this intuition…
Greg Wier – J.Keilwerth Tone King Special Tenor – from Saint Augustine, FL, USA
Chadd, This is the best saxophone that I have ever owned. My ears, fingers and execution are really very closely connected now...…
Cody – Buffet S1 Tenor – from Clinton, AR, USA
Thanks for all this joy. I feel like I finally have the Ferrari I’ve been wishing for since high school. .... Thanks again…
Eric- Consignment Sale Agreement – from Portland, OR, USA
I was super-impressed by the consignment process at Worldwide Sax when it was time for me to sell one of my instruments. …
Kevin – Conn 10M Tenor Rebuild – from Seattle, WA, USA
Hey, the Conn plays so nice. I've been really enjoying it. I first tried a Berg from the 70's and didn't have…
Don – Conn Chu Berry C-Melody – from Coupeville, WA, USA
Chadd at World Wide Sax did a great job refurbishing my 1925 G. C Conn, silver, "Chu Berry" C Melody and I…
Jackson – King Tempo Baritone – from Western WA, USA
Hello! I just wanna say I've had a blast with this bari! I made an audition tape for the…
Nikolas – Mark VI Tenor – from Greece
Hi Chadd, The Susan is home... man, this sax has a great sound--special... the middle and upper registers... I am very very…
Espen H-N – Sarge’s S1 tenor – from Norway
Thank you for another dream of a horn! There we are, Chadd! Buffet S1 unpacked and played at rehearsal in my little big…
Steve B. – Custom Mouthpiece – from Virgina USA
The mouthpiece got here today. thanks for unbelievably fast service. It caught me off guard when you asked what i liked about website, so…
Larry A. – Sarge’s JK New King Alto – California USA
The Keilwerth Alto Sax arrived this evening. It is an incredible horn. In its summary you remarked that it has a booming…
Brian F. – Conn Chu alto – Florida USA
I received the saxophone today and spent nearly the whole day playing her. She is absolutely beautiful! Shinier than I ever…
Willi – “Goldilocks” SML Tenor – Norway
"Goldilocks" arrived here at my house 2 days ago when my friend came for a visit. What a beautiful horn in every respect…
Vernon – Guardala DG500SP – from Maryland USA
The Guardala is better than expected for a purchase "sight unseen". Thanks for everything. This is a Keeper and ends my search for…
Frank J. – Mark VI Rebuild – Western WA USA
Right from the git-go, the horn played wonderfully. Both necks responded well and I was very pleased with the setup feel. I will…
Anthony – The Martin Alto – California USA
Thank you very much for the nice job, the foolproof packing, and the informative service. Other than a few minor nicks,…